Happy Thanksgiving from Senator Rubio

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Published on Nov 21, 2012 by

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  • Thank you Senator Marco Rubio for wishing me and my family a blessing Thanksgiving, we wish you and your family the same. May God Bless you and your family. We will be supporting you all the way to the White house in the near future. Muchas Gracias y que Dios lo bendiga a usted y su linda familia. Richard Whaley and Regina Scott Whaley

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  • God will bless us if we cease our constant warring for profit. You have the power to bring us God's peace by voting against new military action and stop the United States of America from killing more people. Just because it says in the Bible that there will always be wars, does not mean it is up to you , Senator Rubio, to make sure war continues.

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  • Rubio/Jindal2016!!!

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  • Thank You Senator Rubio for your thought thanksgiving message, And a BIG THANK YOU FOR INCLUDING GOD that he gives us blessings, We are so blessed that you are a Christain Man of God and a polatition, May your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and know that my whole family supports you, and may GOD bless you and your family for the long, hard months ahead of you,(the next 4 years). I Thank you for your service to our country.

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  • May God bless you and your family and may He continue to prosper you and lead you as you face may difficulties in the months ahead. dct1901

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  • 12 people are Marco Rubio's staffers.

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  • ThankYou for you wishes and caring for all AMERICANS and all our TROOPS PROCTECTING US ALL AROUND THE WORLD

    Dorothy Diana.

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  • May you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you for your service.

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  • Happy Thanksgiving, Senator. God bless you.

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  • Beautiful. Thank you for being a true American. Happy Thanksgiving.

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