A Minute with Jay: Safe Shopping During the Holiday Season

In this week's one minute video, Senator Rockefeller provides tips on how to avoid common scams when shopping for gifts this holiday season. ... read more


The 57th Inauguration will take place on January 21, 2013 at the West Front of the United States Capitol Building. Each Congressional Office is given a limited number of tickets. We will do everything we can to accommodate all those interested in attending. For more information, please visit the official page of the Inauguration. You can also follow the Inauguration on Facebook and Twitter. Please submit the form here to be placed on our list for tickets. ... read more

Serving Those Who Served Our Country

It is my true privilege to serve our veterans in the United States Senate. As the longest serving member of the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, I am proud to partner with our veterans groups on important legislation and to stand behind our veterans at every turn. I can think of no greater honor than working to help those who have served and sacrificed for us to enjoy the many freedoms we have as Americans. Veterans are our heroes. We have a profound respect for veterans because, time and time again, these men and women have answered the call of duty with distinction, honor, and coura... read more


WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senators Jay Rockefeller and Joe Manchin, along with Congressman Nick Rahall, announced today that they are taking new steps to keep open the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Green Bank. Rockefeller, Manchin and Rahall this week sent a letter to NSF Director Dr. Subra Suresh seeking more details about the NSF’s Astronomy Portfolio Review, which recommended the Foundation divest itself of its operations in Green Bank “It’s important that the NSF understands the vital role the Green Bank Observatory plays, not only in Pocahontas County, but t... read more
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Deficit Reduction

Senator Rockefeller recently offered 18 specific proposals to shave $1.29 trillion from the deficit over 10 years with a balanced mix of options to close corporate tax loopholes, rein in tax abuses, and eliminate special tax breaks for wealthy Americans and big companies. Rockefeller said he ... learn more


Job Creation

Senator Jay Rockefeller recently introduced a new bill to create jobs in West Virginia and throughout the country by preparing American workers in new and emerging manufacturing fields and helping American manufacturers stay competitive. The High-Tech Job Opportunities Between our Shores Act (High... learn more


Mine Safety

In the months since Upper Big Branch, Sen. Jay Rockefeller led renewed efforts in Congress to protect coal miners on many fronts. · Pushed the Department of Labor to keep the Upper Big Branch families informed and to increase mine safety enforcement. · Enacte... learn more


Senator Rockefeller's 2011 Veterans' Newsletter

Despite the heated arguments in Congress over deficits and spending, one issue has remained unchanging: our commitment to veterans. Senator Rockefeller is determined to take care of America’s former military – from health care and education to benefits, business resources and employment... learn more


Payroll Tax and Social Security

Stephen C. Goss, Chief Actuary of the Social Security Administration, confirmed that the Senate Democrats’ payroll tax cut legislation will NOT affect the Social Security Trust Fund. In a letter to Secretary Geithner and OMB Director Lew, Goss wrote, “We estimate that the projected level... learn more

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