Romney's Final Argument - Vote for me or else!

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Published on Nov 2, 2012 by

Thom Hartmann rants about a comment Mitt Romney made that ties into an infamous meeting of Republican leaders in which they decided to do everything the could to keep President Obama from being re-elected.


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  • This is very serious. Please, do not stop until everyone in America knows about this.

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  • traitors should be shot on the line.

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  • TREASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • ok, so they wanted to get obama out of office. sure, it may have been a bit preemptive at that time, but in hindsight they were pretty much on the correct path

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  • The whole Republican party is a gang of thugs.

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  • You don't have to show ANY signs of anger to be aggressive, even very aggressive-You can do it 100% with very calm words. You have to be able to make your case to the American people. A democratic president who calculates his actions through the microscope of Fox news is a republican-The whole point of a (D) in the office is to pass (D) policies. WE won the election but they always set the terms. Boehner "I got 99% of what I wanted" Well how they fuck did that happen? Obama should be saying that

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  • It all comes down to perceptions. If Obama SHOWS ANY anger it will do incalculable damage PR wise. He'll be seen as the Angry Black Man that can't keep his head . And therefore should never have been president . I think that's reasonably close enough to the truth for you to get the gist . Myself, If I was him, I'd have stuffed them in Guantanamo by now .They ARE TERRORISTS to this country and it's people. And I really don't think that they deserve due process any more than they gave US.

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  • The Republican presidential defeat of 2012 should send a clear signal to the GOP that it must abandon it's quest to privatize social security&voucherize medicare. PAUL RYAN,the biggest proponent of such goals,has proven to be the GOP's JUDAS GOAT. UNLESS,the GOP abandons Paul Ryan&Republicans who embrace OBSTRUCTIONISM,it will NEVER WIN another NATIONAL ELECTION. MORE Americans now realize that for the last 30yrs the GOP has been committing TREASON by violating it's OATH TO PROTECT THE COMMONS.

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  • Treason began when they all signed Grover Norquist pledge. All Repubs promising their allegiance other than the USA is the def of treason. Good question, what do we do?? We started by this election, next step call them out on all this.

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  • Thom Hartmann is right about Republican leaders, but without enforcement or prosecution by Justice and the Obama administration this will continue for another 4 years. Obama let Bush and his administration off the hook, so how is this any different than some mafia tactics is allowed to continue??

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  • Treason? Harsh accusation.

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  • Thanks for bringing this to our attention..This is unbelievable! The Republicans truly are monsters to knowingly and intentionally harm American Citizens all to serve a political agenda. I remember witnessing families with children going through horrific times that could have been avoided. We seriously need to vote them out!

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