November 22, 2012

Senator McCaskill pushes for renewal of farm bill (AUDIO)

Senator McCaskill says that agriculture is the foundation of our economy in Missouri, and encourages Missourians to question why the House will not act on a bipartisan farm bill that will reduce 23 billion dollars.

Senator McCaskill says she and Senator Blunt both agreed on a bipartisan farm bill, to which she says should be a signal to the congressional delegation that it’s good bipartisan legislation and is fiscally responsible to renew the farm bill that was written 63 years ago.

 “It is outrageous to me that the House of Representatives refuse to act on the farm bill. It is bizarre in a way because if you look at America where it is reddest is in rural areas,” she says.

“So here you have the House of Representatives controlled by the Republican Party. It’s like they’re kicking sand in the eyes of their base, of their constituency,” McCaskill says.

She says she can’t figure out what sense it makes in terms of policy. “I am beyond frustrated at the unwilling- they won’t take up any farm bill,” McCaskill says. “And it is bizarre to me and I frankly think it is hurting them.”

 McCaskill adds it’s not just hurting rural areas in Missouri, but also around the country.


AUDIO: Mary Farucci reports. (:59)