McCaskill Welcomes Last Ozarks Honor Flight Veterans to WWII Memorial

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Published on Jun 6, 2012 by

More than sixty years after they helped achieve victory in World War II, veterans from Missouri were welcomed by U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill as they visited the National World War II Memorial for the first time. Missouri's Honor Flight program brought Ozarks-area veterans to the Memorial on the National Mall Wednesday and McCaskill joined to thank them for their service, hear their stories, and talk about issues facing Missouri's veterans.


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  • she has the same smile that Obama had when he was running for president, I wont trust her.

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  • Hey Claire does S2678 ring a bell. I havent forgot your treasonist act. July 17th you will be exposed

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  • She was blowing Obama. Where is this fat liberal trying to tell me how to eat.

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  • Hey Claire McCunthole, you gonna claim again that the senate passed a budget, you laughing stock fucking retard? Go clean harry reid's toilet with your fucking tongue you piece of leftist shit.

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  • Funny how none of the videos Claire is putting out now has anything to do with Obama. Couple years ago she nestled up as close as she could to him.

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