Equality for Servicewomen: The Shaheen Amendment

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Published on May 24, 2012 by

The Department of Defense denies coverage for abortion care except when a pregnant woman's life is endangered. Unlike other federal bans on abortion coverage, the military ban provides no exception for cases of rape and incest. The Shaheen Amendment introduced by Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) would end the ban on insurance coverage of abortion care for military women and dependents in cases of rape and incest.


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  • Sen. Shaheen has done wonderful work since being elected in 2008, and has made New Hampshire very proud. This bill is just another example. I will definitely be voting to reelect her in 2014.

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  • I'm an American, Conservative, Republican. I am all for the Shaheen Amendment. The women in the military are the successors of Joan of Arc, Boudica (who knew how to deal with the rape of her daughters), Molly Pitcher, and countless others. They deserve better than that. All sexual abusers, rapists and incestuous animals (human speaking) should be held accountable.

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