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McCaskill Veterans Day Statement

November 11, 2012

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, the daughter of a World War II veteran, today released the following statement in honor of Veterans Day:

"Just days after Americans went to the polls to exercise their democratic rights, we're reminded that the freedoms we enjoy are defended each and every day by men and women who put on the uniform and place themselves in harm's way. Today, I join all Missourians in recognizing the service and sacrifice of our veterans, our troops, and their families, and saying thank you. Nobody who stands up to protect our country should ever have to go it alone when they come back home, and I pledge to keep fighting every day to make sure the promises made to our veterans are kept, that they get the benefits they've earned, and that they're treated with the same dignity and respect that my Dad was shown when he came home."

To read about McCaskill's ongoing work for Missouri's veterans, click HERE.



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