Icon for Post #64014
Hurray for Michigan. Freedom to choose has now becomes state law: FOX NEWS – The...
Icon for Post #64010
Chris Matthews, plagued with Koch Brothers derangement syndrome, bullied Scott Hagerstrom,...
Icon for Post #64005
Given that Right to work has passed the legislature, Andrea Mitchell made every argument she...
Icon for Post #63997
Oh wow. Very thug-o-licious! The video speaks for itself: ***CONTENT WARNING:...
Icon for Post #63989
Today is the big day for Right to Work legislation in Michigan, giving workers the right to...
Icon for Post #63987
This is a perfect example of how liberals think. Mika says that employers should just pay...
Icon for Post #63984
Looks like more thuggery on the part of Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood, trying to silence...
Icon for Post #63978
Soledad O’Brien had Senator Jeff Sessions on this morning to discuss why he wants to...
Icon for Post #63973
Netanyahu called the international community’s silence over Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal...
Icon for Post #63969
I gotta say I love how articulate Allen West is when he backs up his own words. He was on...
Icon for Post #63963
If you’ve ever listened to interviews on RT News then you know this one is a breath of...
Icon for Post #63959
Krauthammer schools the libs on the ineffectiveness of U.N. treaties and the hypocrisy of the...
Icon for Post #63957
Oh wait, did I say next generation? Sorry, I meant predecessor. This is apparently from...
Icon for Post #63953
Krauthammer says that our mission in Afghanistan can’t be to leave behind a government...
Icon for Post #63949
ZoNation makes an interesting point on why liberal race baiters are silent when a black man...
Icon for Post #63946
Rush says that Republicans believe if they give Obama what he wants on tax rates and the debt...
Icon for Post #63941
As our own TRS columnist and Michigan resident Jen Kuznicki pointed out yesterday, Right to...
Icon for Post #63936
Brilliant. Instead of killing our totalitarian-minded Islamist enemies, let’s allow...
Icon for Post #63930
Today’s open thread, brought to you by Welcome Home...
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