Sen. John Barrasso

Sen. John Barrasso


U.S. Senator for the great state of Wyoming.

Today’s decision by to deny Waiver will make it more expensive for all Americans to put food on their tables

[New from RPC] Presidential leadership needed on fiscal cliff to avoid tax hike, sequester, almost certain recession.

[New from RPC] Senate Democrats Trample Minority Rights. Leader Reid should follow regular order, abandon power grab.

Honored to be reelected Chmn—Ready to work on policies that create jobs,reform govt & benefit all Americans

We owe a debt of gratitude to our nation’s veterans for their service, sacrifice & commitment to keeping our country safe & free.

Americans Deserve Leadership. RPC reviews lack of leadership on jobs & economy, debt, energy, defense and more:

Today marks 3.5 yrs since Senate Dems have passed a . W/out budget, Washington will cont. to spend $ we don't have.

New Budget Committee chart: Obama's policies have resulted in just a fraction of the growth he said they'd deliver |

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