Sen. John Barrasso

Sen. John Barrasso


U.S. Senator for the great state of Wyoming.

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Joined a group of bipartisan senators in letter requesting meeting w/President to discuss moving fwd with

Today’s decision by to deny Waiver will make it more expensive for all Americans to put food on their tables

[New from RPC] Presidential leadership needed on fiscal cliff to avoid tax hike, sequester, almost certain recession.

[New from RPC] Senate Democrats Trample Minority Rights. Leader Reid should follow regular order, abandon power grab.

Honored to be reelected Chmn—Ready to work on policies that create jobs,reform govt & benefit all Americans

We owe a debt of gratitude to our nation’s veterans for their service, sacrifice & commitment to keeping our country safe & free.

Americans Deserve Leadership. RPC reviews lack of leadership on jobs & economy, debt, energy, defense and more:

Today marks 3.5 yrs since Senate Dems have passed a . W/out budget, Washington will cont. to spend $ we don't have.

New Budget Committee chart: Obama's policies have resulted in just a fraction of the growth he said they'd deliver |


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