Obama Abortion Nightmare

George Krail, Iowa District 1

Obama Muslim Nightmare

David Lewis, Kentucky District 4

Click here for Comprehensive List of States, Cities, Stations, and Shows Where Nightmare Ads Now Running

Federal Law allows YOU to buy ads to defeat Obama

FACT: The TV Ads Below Will expose Obama in Key Swing States.

FACT: If Obama loses these swing states, he loses the White House.

FACT: TV Ads of Federal Candidates MUST be aired UNCENSORED and UNEDITED.

FACT: Your entire Contribution goes to run these ads, and help DEFEAT OBAMA.

Click here to donate.
Your contribution will be divided between the 4 campaigns.

"I just gave $10,000 to these four federal campaigns. I am retired - and by no means wealthy - but I did all I could do, for the sake of unborn babies, and to help defeat Obama. I ask you to give what you can to help these brave men and women. Even if we fail and Obama wins, we will have broken through the media cover-up, raised awareness concerning child killing, and no doubt saved many lives, many souls (through leading people to repentance) and possibly in the long run...even help save our nation. What better investment could anyone make?" -Al Lemmo, Retired Engineer

Stan Vaughan

Nevada District 1


Russell Best

Nevada District 2


David Macko

Ohio District 14


Alan Aversa

Alan Aversa

Independent Candidate, Iowa District 2


Alan can run TV ads in the heart of Obama's 2008 Iowa support base, as well as parts of IL and MO.

Click here to donate.

George Krail

George Krail

Independent Candidate, Iowa District 1

George will run pro-life TV ads in heart of Obama's 2008 Iowa support, as well as parts of MN, IL and WI

Click here to donate.

David Lewis

David Lewis

Independent Candidate, Kentucky District 4


David will run pro-life TV ads in Cincinnati - which went to Obama in 2008 - as well as the Dayton area, southern Indiana, and northern Kentucky.

Click here to donate.

Angela Michael

Angela Michael

Democrat Candidate, Illinois District 15


Angela will run pro-life ads in the swing state of Indiana, as well as St. Louis MO, and much of Illinois.

Click here to donate.

Pro-life Candidates

"You can teach more in 30 seconds from one of these TV ads than you could in 30 hours of talking. We must help Randall and his team get their ads on TV in the swing states. In fact, they will be seen in 21 states of the Union...with your help. They could determine the outcome of the election. I gave Randall $100 for his campaign; I encourage you to
do the same if at all possible."
-Joe Scheidler, the "Godfather of Pro-Life Activism"