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Senator Jim Inhofe

Senator Jim Inhofe
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Senator Jim InhofeSee All
      43 minutes ago
    • Quanah Schlesselman From an Oklahoma cousin of mine, Quanah Schlesselman Please friends and family - don't post any thing ugly on my status, but I have a sincere reflection I would like to share. My mother, Ruby Geneva, recently celebrated her 103rd birthday October 27th with lots of friends and family! In anticipation of this momentous occasion, I wrote her legislators asking if they could please send her a birthday card. Today, I received another nice greeting. So far, the legislators who responded include Senator Richard Lerblance, OK District 7; Congressman Dan Boren, 2nd District of OK; President Barack Obama; and now, Vice President Joe Biden. It is a great honor that these busy leaders have taken the time to personally pen a greeting to Mom. Mother is a registered Republican and has consistently voted along party lines in state and national elections throughout her life. It is sobering for me to realize that although I diligently requested greetings from ALL Mom's state and national leaders - only Democrats responded. All those votes she cast for Republican candidates throughout her long, long life - I wonder why the Republicans could not take a few moments to wish her a happy 103rd birthday? She would have loved hearing from those she has supported.
      55 minutes ago
    • Please support the Ried/Kyl senate version of Hr2366 (or any other bill) that gives us the personal freedom to play safe, regulated, job producing, revenue generating online poker. We need national regulation or the states will go on out of control. Thank you.
      1 · about an hour ago
    • Maggie Hawksworth Hackler
       Be there.
      7 hours ago
    • Please be in support HR 2366 for consumer protection, tax revenue, job creation, and personal freedom through the licensing and regulation of online poker, recently ruled in federal court as a game of skill. Thank you
      4 · 14 hours ago
  2. I had the opportunity to tour OEM Systems' facility in Okarche yesterday. This small business is one of the largest compressed natural gas conversion installers in North America. Founded by Lisha Oshman, OEM is an example of how America can achieve energy independence by unleashing the private sector to develop our abundant natural resources.
    Photo: I had the opportunity to tour OEM Systems' facility in Okarche yesterday. This small business is one of the largest compressed natural gas conversion installers in North America. Founded by Lisha Oshman, OEM is an example of how America can achieve energy independence by unleashing the private sector to develop our abundant natural resources.
  3. Tune in at 7:15AM CST this morning to Pat Campbell where I'll be discussing latest news on Benghazi.
  4. It’s unfortunate the Obama Administration has punted and deferred answers on the Libya terrorist attacks in an apparent attempt to run out the clock until Election Day. Almost two months later, the President has still not addressed any of o...
    ur concerns regarding our intelligence gathering, security response, and efforts being made against those responsible.
    See More
  5. WATCH NOW AND SHARE - Brett Baier interviewed me today for Fox News Special Report about my concerns with President Obama violating the law by failing to detail his costly regulatory agenda. The administration apparently wants to wait until after the election to let everyone know its true second term agenda.

    Click on the link to watch the segment
  6. Another great piece to share - more coverage of our efforts to hold the Obama administration accountable for violating the law and refusing to let the public know about its costly second term regulatory agenda.

    Excerpts below from the Exa...
    miner. Click on the link at the bottom for the full column:

    "So why do we allow Washington politicians not only to get away with ignoring the law but with continually replacing it with the will of one man called "Mr. President" or a few men called "bureaucrats"?

    President Obama isn't unique among recent chief executives in ignoring laws, but he has been the most blatant. To cite just one example, the law requires executive branch agencies to make public their proposed regulatory agendas every six months.

    As of Wednesday this week, the EPA was thumbing its regulatory nose at the law for the third time in two years. The delay helps Obama avoid giving voters more reasons to boot him out of the Oval Office next Tuesday, since the EPA's expected agenda would likely destroy millions of jobs and pile immense new costs on businesses and consumers.

    Sen. Jim Inhofe, the Oklahoma Republican who has dogged' Obama on this issue for months, correctly points out that "it's bad enough that he's hiding his second-term agenda -- it's even worse that he's violating the law to do it.'"
    See More
  7. Check out and share this great Wall Street Journal piece from today, "Where's the Transparency, Mr. President?"

    The column features my efforts to expose President Obama's hidden regulatory agenda in a second term, especially at the Obama-EPA.
  8. Senator Inhofe blasted the Obama administration today for its failure to comply with the law by not releasing its regulatory agenda by the statutory deadline, which was yesterday, October 31, 2012.

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. ...
    § 602) requires that every administration publish its regulatory agenda every six months in the Federal Register. Yet, the Obama administration has failed to comply with this law twice over the past year.

    Last week, Senator Inhofe sent a letter to President Obama requesting that the administration adhere to its next statutory deadline, which was yesterday. As the Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Inhofe expressed specific concerns in the letter about EPA’s failure to publish its regulatory agenda.

    Click on the link below to read more on my website.
    See More
  9. It was a great pleasure to join my good friend, Oklahoma Secretary of Transportation Gary Ridley, as well as several state and local officials and members of the business community, as we saw first-hand the progress of the I-44 project unde...
    rway and see that the finish line is well within sight.

    This project is the result of the success we have enjoyed in passing bipartisan highway legislation in Washington in 2005 and 2012. These projects not only improve our roads, but they provide for good paying jobs at a time we need them most.

    Read more about the press conference on the link below.
    See More
  10. The Obama administration has failed to comply with the law requiring them to publish in the Federal Register their regulatory agenda for each agency. In fact, it has been more than a year since the administration complied with its legal obl...
    igation to issue such a report.

    Today Senator Inhofe sent a letter to President Obama requesting the administration adhere to its next statutory deadline which is October 31. As the ranking member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, Inhofe expressed specific concerns about EPA’s regulatory agenda.

    In a statement released today, Inhofe said, “The bottom line however, is that running for election is no excuse for failing to comply with the law. President Obama owes the American public not only a full explanation on why he has failed to comply with the law, but the honest truth about the regulatory onslaught coming in a second term."

    Click on the link for coverage of the letter by The Hill.
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  11. Watch Live at 7:20am CT: Inhofe on Fox and Friends to discuss Obama-EPA Punting on Costly Regulations Until After Election
  12. “Tonight, Governor Romney presented his views on America’s place in the world as President Obama tried to defend his record over the past four years. Romney’s vision is optimistic and it is clear that he will provide leadership, a strong d...
    efense, and will diligently support our allies. Romney showed he will make a better Commander-in-Chief."
    See More
  13. This is a must watch video before tonight's debate on Foreign Policy and Defense issues.
  14. My staff and I visited Tinker Air Force Base on Tuesday and received an excellent tour of their new base medical facility.
    Photo: My staff and I visited Tinker Air Force Base on Tuesday and received an excellent tour of their new base medical facility.
  15. Today at 3pm CT, I will be speaking with Ed Morrissey of Hot Air about my new Senate report detailing all of the costly rules the Obama-EPA is punting on until after the election. Click on the link for details.
  16. I spoke with the Daily Caller about a new Senate report I am releasing today, “A Look Ahead to EPA Regulations for 2013: Numerous Obama EPA Rules Placed On Hold until after the Election Spell Doom for Jobs and Economic Growth.”

    Obama has spent the past year punting on a slew of job-killing EPA regulations that will destroy millions of American jobs and cause energy prices to skyrocket even more. From greenhouse gas regulations to water guidance to the tightening of the ozone standard, the Obama-EPA has delayed the implementation of rule after rule because they don’t want all those pink slips and price spikes to hit until after the election. But President Obama’s former climate czar Carol Browner was very clear about what’s in store for next year: she told several green groups not to worry because President Obama has a big green ‘to-do’ list for 2013 so they’ll get what they want. The radical environmental left may not need to worry but what about hard working Americans who will lose their jobs and be subjected to skyrocketing energy prices thanks to the Obama-EPA?

    This report also importantly puts the spotlight back on an Obama-EPA that has, as the Washington Post said, earned a ‘reputation for abuse.’ It serves as stark reminder that President Obama has presided over a green team administration that works every day to ‘crucify’ oil and gas companies and make sure that ‘if you want to build a coal plant you got a big problem.’

    This report is a wake-up call on the economic pain that the ‘abusive’ Obama-EPA plans to inflict next year – it reveals a President who is more concerned about saving his own job than the millions of Americans who are looking for one today.
    See More

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