Raúl R. Labrador

Raúl R. Labrador


Member of United States Congress representing Idaho's First Congressional District.

Idaho-01 · http://labrador.house.gov/

Tweets Tout / Sans réponses

On - exclusives w the chairs of the House & Sen Intel Cmtes - we'll try to sort out the "who knew what whens"

Rep. King is requesting detailed plans from Sandy-hit states requesting federal aid to avoid Katrina-era problems.

Labrador on Obama's tax hike drive: "He has a mandate to talk about it, and we have a mandate to fight it."

: Fiscal cliff is not most dangerous thing. It's the fiscal waterfall later on that I'm worried about.

Labrador on election lessons: "We have done a terrible job as a party of letting people know that we care about them."

Labrador: I would take a 10-1 cuts/tax hikes deal if the former happened immediately, not down the line.

Huelskamp on Obama's position: "not a serious proposal...We don't need a tax incense to solve a spending problem."

We expect Conversations with Conservatives will be on C-SPAN tomorrow, check listing for channel selection!

As we observe Veterans Day, let us reflect on the sacrifices made by our men and women in service, past and present, and their families.

Sent a letter to Secretary Salazar about Gateway West transmission lines issue. See press release and letter here:

Our continued thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and residents affected by Hurricane Sandy.

Le chargement semble mettre du temps.

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