Raúl R. Labrador

Raúl R. Labrador


Member of United States Congress representing Idaho's First Congressional District.

Idaho-01 · http://labrador.house.gov/

Twiitit Kaikki / Ei vastauksia

On - exclusives w the chairs of the House & Sen Intel Cmtes - we'll try to sort out the "who knew what whens"

, fmr immigration atty, says GOP has to reach conservative consensus on immigration.

Rep. King is requesting detailed plans from Sandy-hit states requesting federal aid to avoid Katrina-era problems.

Labrador on Obama's tax hike drive: "He has a mandate to talk about it, and we have a mandate to fight it."

: Fiscal cliff is not most dangerous thing. It's the fiscal waterfall later on that I'm worried about.

Labrador on election lessons: "We have done a terrible job as a party of letting people know that we care about them."

Labrador: I would take a 10-1 cuts/tax hikes deal if the former happened immediately, not down the line.

Huelskamp on Obama's position: "not a serious proposal...We don't need a tax incense to solve a spending problem."

As we observe Veterans Day, let us reflect on the sacrifices made by our men and women in service, past and present, and their families.

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