Meet the Press - 11/18/12 - Feinstein and Rogers, Graham, Roundtable

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Published on Nov 18, 2012 by

Former CIA Director David Petraeus, who resigned his post because of an extra-marital affair, met with both the Senate and House Intelligence committees as part of their inquiry into the events surrounding the Sept. 11th attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya. Sunday, both intel chairs will meet the press. Joining us: Chair of the Senate's Select Committee on Intelligence, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI). Then, as Republicans step up their calls for a Watergate-style investigation into the Sept. 11th attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya, President Obama publicly defended his U.N. Ambassador, Susan Rice, against GOP critics who have leveled sharp attacks after comments she made on this program. This Sunday, in what could be a preview of a possible Senate confirmation fight should the president nominate Rice to lead the State Department, we'll have an exclusive interview with one of the critics that the president singled out, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC). And our Political Roundtable makes sense of the back-and-forth in Washington this week over Benghazi, General Petraeus and the upcoming political battles on Capitol Hill, including the fiscal cliff negotiations. Insights and analysis from Rep. Raul Labrador (R-ID); NY Times columnist Tom Friedman; fmr. White House Chief of Staff for President Clinton, John Podesta; GOP strategist Mike Murphy; and NBC News Chief Foreign Affairs correspondent Andrea Mitchell.


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  • Why don't you get OFF the formerly venerable show and join Fox Gergory. You do nothing but promote right wing narrative. I think you peed your pants you were so excited to accuse Susan Rice of lying for political purposes, and falsely stating that Rogers accused the president of knowing about Petraeus. You asked him directly, and he denied saying so. Then you told Graham he DID say so. What an ASS. Go the hell over to Fox. They love cheerleaders and don't care about the facts. Perfect for you.

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  • I Believe This Was A Video Clip Of NBC News' Meet The Press With David Gregory Video Promo For Sunday Morning, November 18, 2012.

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