Press Releases

WASHINGTON –U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) released the following statement on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) refusal to grant a waiver requested by several states, including Arkansas, for relief from the ethanol mandate.

“Forty percent of our corn crop goes to ethanol production. As a result of the drought, that number is likely to climb even higher.  All that does is drive up the cost of corn, which in turn drives up the cost of commodities in general, and that translates to higher prices at the grocery store for all of us.”

“The law allows the EPA to adjust the ethanol mandate to prevent economic harm to American families.  The mandate is hurting Arkansas and many other states.  Governor Beebe and several other state governors requested that the EPA grant a waiver.  I joined with over two hundred of my colleagues from both sides of the aisle, in both the House and the Senate, to support this effort. Instead of hearing our bipartisan calls for relief, the EPA chose to stand by its misguided policy.” 

“The EPA’s decision makes absolutely no sense. These subsidies have an incredibly negative effect on the cost of living for every Arkansan. Arkansans are hurting and overbearing federal agencies like the EPA seem intent on making the wound deeper. I am committed to helping the people of Arkansas who are struggling in this difficult economy and will continue to fight these harmful mandates.”