Senator John Boozman

Senator John Boozman


Representing Arkansas in the U.S. Senate. Contact Info: 202-224-4843

Arkansas ·

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Are you an Arkansan interested in attending the 2013 Inauguration? Important info about ticket request process here:

A Thanksgiving Message: Read about Arkansas families providing a loving, supportive home to children in need.

Great afternoon in Mulberry included a stop at the senior center where we talked about the issues facing Washington.

Very informative mtg @ Fort Smith Crisis Intervention Center. Appreciate their time & effort to help victims of abuse

I strongly condemn the violent attacks on Israel and fully support Israel’s right to defend itself and its citizens.

Sportsmen contribute a lot to the AR economy. Read how we support programs benefiting AR sportsmen and wildlife.

Visited the Bull Shoals Dam that provides many benefits like flood control, hydropower and a water supply source.

Happy to support the work of the Delta Grassroots Caucus to improve the quality of life and economy of communities

The T1G training facility in Crawfordsville is a training resource for special ops forces We had some training too.

Le chargement semble mettre du temps.

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