Heck Marks 2nd Anniversary of Health Care Reform Law by Introducing Repeal, Repair, Replace Bill

Mar 22, 2012 Issues: Health, Seniors


Contact: Greg Lemon


Heck Marks 2nd Anniversary of Health Care Reform Law by Introducing the Ensuring Quality Health Care for All Americans Act

Heck bill focuses on repealing onerous mandates, repairing elements that have merit, and replacing the broken pieces of PPACA

WASHINGTON - With the second anniversary of passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) coming Friday, March 23, Congressman Joe Heck (R-NV-03) today introduced legislation aimed at repealing the onerous regulations that hurt individuals and businesses, repairing the elements of the law that have merit, and replacing the broken pieces of the law with reasonable and truly affordable reforms. Rep. Heck's bill, the Ensuring Quality Health Care for All Americans Act, tackles critical health care issues that matter to Americans, without adding bloated federal programs, raising taxes, or cutting $500 billion from Medicare. The bill follows through on the House’s commitment to repealing, repairing, and replacing a flawed health care law with sensible reforms that guarantee access to essential coverage.

"Friday marks the anniversary of the largest federal intrusion into the American health care system in history. Two years ago, we were told the health care reform law would reduce the cost of health care, reduce the deficit and create jobs. We now know those promises have fallen far short of their goals," Rep. Heck said. "The Ensuring Quality Health Care for All Americans Act would provide security and stability for those with health insurance, an option for people without insurance and reduces costs by reforming medical malpractice laws.  This bill is about supporting Nevada’s families and seniors, not about rationing care, eliminating access to care, or cutting Medicare."


In addition to repealing PPACA, Rep. Heck's bill would:

* provide individuals with pre-existing conditions the opportunity to purchase affordable health insurance coverage,

* give Americans who currently have health insurance the guaranteed ability to renew policies that work best for them,

* place prohibitions on rescissions to ensure that patients who have paid their premiums can count on their policy coming through when they get sick,

* Establish a limited grant program to give states the ability to work with insurers to develop targeted solutions to address the needs of high-risk populations, and

* Give families flexibility by extending dependent coverage to age 26, with reasonable limitations to prevent abuse.

Rep. Heck's bill also seeks to provide emergency health care professionals who are required to provide care under the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) with practical liability protections. The provision places a $250,000 limit on vague non-economic damages and limits attorney fees in cases where care was provided under this federal mandate. This important provision protects emergency health care providers and their patients, and is an important control on frivolous lawsuits that contribute to rising health care costs.
