Friday, December 14, 2012

Mass Godless Murder in Newtown Connecticut

Eighteen harmless defenseless little children will not have Christmas this year because of a sick individual who thought only of himself. An additional eight were also murdered in the sleepy town of Newtown, Connecticut today.
In an ever increasing Godless society this event emphasizes the importance of life and the preservation of life. “Godless people make Godless governments and Godless governments have no respect for life.”
It’s time for God to be brought back into our society, our children’s lives and their schools. – N.P.Contompasis 

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Newt Gingrich Made Bill Clinton a Better President Not Bill Clinton!!!

Bill Clinton's positive Presidential legacy is due to Newt Gingrich. Newt forced Bill to be a better President.- N.P.Contompasis

Government Can't Get It Done

In 1989 the Bay Area's biggest, in recent history, earthquake hit with a 7.1 on the Richter scale that collapsed a section of the old Bay Bridge that goes to San Francisco from Oakland and back, of course. 
This bridge is still not completed and it's been how many years, TWENTY TWO YEARS!!!! 
I might add what about the rebuilding of the World Trade Center in New York City, ELEVEN YEARS!!!
Of course New York City, San Francisco and Oakland are and always have been controlled b
y the Democrat Party. So, why should ObamaCare be any different? These New Age City States were just trying to build something, a bridge and some buildings. But, with ObamaCare, they may have bitten off more than they can chew. With a demanding public waiting in the wings for their free health care look for lynchings when it doesn't work and it’s delayed for decades due to bureaucratic infighting, mismanagement and Supreme Court challenges. This will be the biggest political disaster in American history.
If it takes three Democrat held cities between eleven and twenty two years to build some simple structures, how long do you think it will take the Federal Government to rebuild an entire national health care plan like ObamaCare….., like never?!?!?!?!? Let the lynchings begin!!! – N.P.Contompasis

Unions - Wage Inflation - Strike - Strike - Strike

Have you noticed unions in America are going crazy? Have you noticed that just about every week there’s another union striking? STRIKING!!!! The economy is in the tank with millions still unemployed and more homes being foreclosed on by ban
ks, yet they are STRIKING!!! WHY???
Well, with the President’s Muslim blessings he’s letting them get away with murder, the murder of our country. This is an age-old technique used by politicians in America to start “WAGE INFLATION.”
Union wage expansion is the beginning of an economy killer “INFLATION.” With governments and the general public forced to pay higher prices for goods and wages it’s a recipe for disaster.
With the national debt reaching for new highs, higher interests rates, which quell inflation, will eat away at what money is left, after interest payments to our debt holders.
The pressure is coming from both ends now and it’s just a matter of time before the mindless nabobs that run our country completely close it down. – N.P.Contompasis

Mainstream Media Merger Coming

Within the next four years look for NBC, CBS AND ABC to merge into a BBC style network that will be the official voice of the United States Government. CNN will most likely merge or be bought out by Al Jazeera. The Fox News Channel will bec
ome the last independent News source in the United States.
But it will only take a few years for Fox to be corrupted and purged by the government. At that time journalism as we have known it will be officially dead and the official state news will be what the majority will follow.
We have now reached a point in our country where the majority of Americans are no longer interested in the truth, only their creature comforts. – N.P.Contompasis

Dictator Dictator Dictator

Mr. Morsi of the wonderful Muslim Brotherhood, it seems you're no better than the dictator you overthrew, as you murder and maim your people in the streets of Cairo!!! 
What next Mr. Morsi, Sarin gas for the masses like your fellow dictator
 in Syria, Assad or the late great Hussein of Iraq???
Here's to you Mr. Dictator. You've gone full cycle in a matter of one year. I think that's a record.
Hey, I'm still out from last night, no..... the night before!!! - N.P.Contompasis

Why Can’t You See What Their Doing - Are We Insane?

In the ‘60s and ‘70s bleeding heart Liberals had “The War on Poverty.” But, it was more about more taxes and more government, while poverty continued to grow.
In the ‘80s and ‘90s it was about “The Homeless.” But, again it was more about more taxes and more government. So, in the ‘00s they gave everyone a house they couldn't afford and bankrupt the country while doing it. This was a financial disaster felt even to this day.
Also in ‘00s it was all about “Climate Change.” But, it’s really all about more taxes, much more governance, and this time on a global scale.
In the ‘00s and ‘10s it’s all about “Health Care.” So they created ObamaCare which is on track to bankrupt every state and eventually the country, that’s if the country survives the “Homeless” fiasco and the “Climate Change” fraud.
As you can see for the past fifty plus year’s bleeding heart Liberals created these seemingly monumental problems that weren't there a moment ago. They are nothing more than schemes to take more of your money and to use your government as the answer to a contrived problem du jour.
Isn't it time we stop this insanity??? Is it possible that our nation is actually insane and Liberal politicians have tapped into our mental disorder??? It seems so!!!
– N.P.Contompasis 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Change For the Sake of Change! Is That Logical Mr. Spock?

Change For the Sake of Change! Is That Logical Mr. Spock?
Liberal forces in the world brought on change for the sake of change in North Africa. Liberal forces in the world are bringing economic change for the sake of change to capitalist nations. Liberal forces think that change for the sake of change will eliminate war by dismantling armies. 
Change for the sake of change is highly illogical Captain!!! 
– Nick Contompasis  

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Problem With the Food Stamps Problem

Why You Should Worry About Too Many People on Food Stamps
With nearly 50,000,000 Americans on Food Stamps, the people taking advantage of this giveaway is growing on a daily basis. As college students, most low income and now middle income
Americans fraudulently apply for this benefit the country is falling into a socialist trap.
You see as the numbers grow and eventually reach 50% and more the people will simply demand more. When this happens, our government will be forced into creating its own food distribution network or nationalize the existing one similar to the way ObamaCare has been enacted.
Farms and farm ownership could be limited. Land could be confiscated for the betterment of the people. Well, that’s what they’ll say.
You’re already seeing it with the new tax laws that start in 2012. Inheritance tax will go from zero to 55% and that’s just to the IRS. Look for another 10% to the state leaving 35% to your heirs.
You see this government is out of control and well on its way to destroying all of your rights so that the ones that won’t work can have what you have.
This Food Stamp issue is huge and every American needs to be aware of how your government is hell-bent on turning you into a non-entity!!! – N.P.Contompasis

When Are They Going to Grow Up???

You know, listening to these mindless nabobs in Europe discuss their financial crisis is like hearing children in a playground arguing about who’s right or wrong, when in fact none of them have any idea what the hell they’re doing.
They talk about their economy being in a recession. These idiots have no idea that they have now entered a depression and that they may never resurface. They’re experimenting, that’s it. They have never done this unity thing in Europe and now when the backbone of the world’s economy, the U.S., stubbles in a big way, they think this is a temporary economy slowdown.
What these amateurs in the EU don’t understand is that the new grand-poobah, the fearless leader of the free world Barack Hussein Obama has no idea what he’s doing either. In the EU they think they can spread wealth and prosperity to all members by granting subsidies and entitlements to businesses and individuals while telling Greece they dipped too far into the troth and now have to give it back.  
Well, boys and girls, you can’t have it both ways. It’s either keep printing money till it’s worthless or get back on a normal capitalist system, the system that has proven over the years to be the most beneficial to modern industrial nations.
I wonder when these people are going to grow up and start acting like educated adults, when it’s too late??? – N.P.Contompasis 

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff and Why We Will Fall

The Fiscal Cliff and Why We Will Fall
I simply point to the 2009 Noble Peace Prize won by a newly elected President Barack Hussein Obama of the United States. A prize, to everyone, was unearned, not yet anyway. I would've hoped that our Generals were paying attention to this phenomenon since their careers and the security of our country was at stake.
Embedded in our new fiscal crises that will come within 42 days are military cuts amounting to over one trillion dollars in the next ten years.
Now, if you understand how and why a Peace Prize is awarded you’ll understand what’s about to happen when we confront the edge of this cliff.
I plucked this revelation from the Nobel website and it’s something every America should know.

“The goal of the Nobel Peace Prize is to award people who have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies*and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses**."

Now, with that understood, do you see the road we’re on? It’s a predetermined path we seemly have no control over. The powers behind the globalization of the earth are so embedded now a simple Presidential election isn't even a bump in the road for them.   – N.P.Contompasis  

*Fiscal cliff military cuts
**One world order – United Nations Rule with NATO as their enforcer 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Have You Looked Up Lately???

Have you looked up lately? I suggest you don’t, it could scare you. You see, while you were listening to your iPod or getting stoned your governments have been building nets, actually several nets. 
It’s just up there can you see it or touch it? It’s just out of reach isn't it? You didn't know they were there did you? They’re just hovering out of reach, out of sight. But, why, why have they done this, our governments?
You see while you were busy with nothing they were busy building a legal net that will someday drop on you like a ton of bricks. This net will so entangle you you’ll simply die of exhaustion trying to free yourself. You see, “FREE” is the operative word in all of this. It’s your freedom that’s being ensnared in their insidious nets of laws, regulations and fines.
This is no joke and when that day comes, when that net drops on you, I hope you’ll be carrying that knife I told you about. – N.P.Contompasis


Proof Obama Benghazi Attack Petraeus Kelly CIA Allen Stephens Conspiracy Treason

This Will Take Obama Down - Benghazi - Petraeus - Ham - Allen - Stephens - Hillary - Rice - Kelly

After watching this Fox News video its obvious that Obama and people in the White House leaked the Petraeus affair because Petraeus was going to testify the truth to a congressional hearing about Benghazi, that it was a terrorist attack and that General Ham was ordered to stand down. General Ham of African Command, was asked to retire and has announced his retirement date, was told to STAND DOWN when they received the SOS call from Benghazi. Now you have to ask yourself WHY WOULD THE PRESIDENT NOT WANT TO HELP OUR AMBASSADOR??? WHAT IS SO GD IMPORTANT ABOUT HIDING WHAT WENT ON IN BENGHAZI BEFORE THE ATTACK, NOT THE ATTACK ITSELF??? What is so important that you have to sack half of our military staff? THIS IS A MUCH BIGGER DEAL THAN MOST REALIZE. - N.P.Contompasis

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dick Morris Was Right - Obama is Giving Your Country Away

This is what Dick Morris has been warning America about. During the lame duck session congress could give away all rights to our offshore oil resources to the U.N. to be redistributed to the world. Why don't we just give them the entire country and get it over with. I wonder how much money Senator John Kerry will make on this deal, the selling of our America. Every Patriotic American should be outraged. - N.P.Contompasis From today's Morning Bill of the Heritage Foundation Law of the Sea Treaty or other United Nations treaties. Senator John Kerry(D-MA) had expressed the intention of bringing the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST) up for a lame-duck vote. But a group of conservative Senators pledged before the election that they would “oppose efforts to consider a treaty during” the lame-duck session. As a rule, the United Nations treaties would give up pieces of American sovereignty in return for little to no benefits to America. LOST in particular would require the U.S. to hand over royalties from oil and gas development and create a massive international bureaucracy that Americans would be forced to fund.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

General Petraeus Knew About Obama Fixing the 2012 Election

Breaking News – It appears that General Petraeus found out, while at the C.I.A., that the 2012 election was going to be fixed. Word is Petraeus was going to put a stop to it but was checkmated by Eric Holders F.B.I. investigation on, really
 him, not his girlfriend. When the Administration found out about the General’s move, they pulled out their ace-in-a-hole against the General and forced him to get out-a-Dodge and resign. Obama knew that Petraeus was Presidential material and would win a Presidential election. He had to find anything he could to discredit him, and he did!!! You see Obama had to clear his way for his third term in 2016. Yes, that’s right, his third term.* – N.P.Contompasis

*Don’t ask me for sources. This is what I've pieced together from several sources that I will never name.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

UPDATE - The Mystery Vote of 2012 - Who is Really President of the United States???


It’s Election Day post 48 hours and at this point Mitt Romney has received approximately 58 million votes, Barack Obama picked up approximately 61 million votes. As you can see there is now a three million vote spread between two opposing philosophies. That’s not very much is it, when so much is at stake? It’s now the difference between capitalism and socialism, good and evil, right and wrong, law-abiding and lawlessness. That’s why I’m passing on my thoughts on this election and its unusual similarity with the very mysterious 2010 California mid-term election.  
Keep this in mind that voting experts have proclaimed that the Republican vote in Tuesday’s election was 3 to 4 million votes shy of the turnout for John McCain in 2008. Now, that’s interesting isn’t it since this election was far more important to Republicans than Democrats which also saw an even greater drop in participation by 8 million votes.
In my article posted on my blog on November 6th 2010 “Something Stinks to High Heaven in California and it’s not the Pot – Is There Voter Fraud in California?” I discovered an interesting trend.
After going through this week’s 2012 national Presidential election results I discovered an almost exact phenomenon had occurred in the 2010 California mid-term election. See below my 2010 observation. It’s hauntingly like Tuesday’s results. 

"If every person in California that voted for Republican John McCain for President in 2008 voted straight ticket Republican on November 2, 2010 (midterm elections) every Republican would have won by 1,000,000 votes. Meg Whitman would be Governor, not Jerry Brown. Carly Fioreno would be Senator, not Barbara Boxer. What Happened in California?"

Now, if you take the 4 to 5 million Republican voters who for some mysterious reason disappeared and add them back Mitt Romney would be President-elect. And in 2010 you found the 2 million Republican voters that vanished from the California landscape, Meg Whitman would be the Governor of California.
As you can see in both races, when there is a sizable decline in Democrat turnout for their candidates, mysteriously Republican voters and their votes disappear. When technically there should be more of them, because of added enthusiasm which no one can deny was the highest seen in decades?
Of course there’s voter fraud in many elections but this seems to be a manipulation of voting on a grand scale that would put any corrupt Chicago precinct boss to shame. There is no doubt that the Democrat controlled City States of New York, Chicago, Boston, L.A., San Francisco, Philadelphia, Baltimore, D.C., St. Louis and Detroit have honed their skills to perfection but this, this is so disturbing one has to think there is a much greater force at work.
With the pressures of Internationalism, Globalism, One World Order proponents using the United Nations as their legitimacy our political parties may all be in on the fix. And the fix is to overwhelm our electoral process with their agenda to overrun our political system, legal system, borders, natural resources and military, all for the purpose of leveling the playing field.
You can call this a conspiracy if you want. I frankly don’t care. The things that are now going on in our country are not American; they are foreign to these shores.  No one can deny that our once trusted U.S. media that now marches in lockstep with global news agencies and all global governing bodies is complicit in this grand scheme to socialize and redistribute our wealth to third world countries while relinquishing our national sovereignty to higher global governance.
Yes, our elections are fixed; it’s as plain as the nose on your face and your ever devaluing dollar. – N.P.Contompasis  
UPDATE – 11/9/12 8:00 A.M. P.S.T.
I posted this article on my blog a year ago that hit the news on a Sunday morning and it was gone within 24 hours. After Tuesday’s Presidential election you can see why.
From Fox News –

Voter Machine Hacking is Now as Easy as Pie - Did You Wonder Why Some Liberal Democrats Were Elected in the Last Election? - Here's Why!

Researchers Hack Voting Machine for $26

By Matt Liebowitz

Published September 30, 2011 
Campaigning for the 2012 presidential race has already begun, but what the candidates don't know is that come election day, hackers could be the ones whose votes have the biggest impact.
Researchers from the Argonne National Laboratory in Illinois have developed a hack that, for about $26 and an 8th-grade science education, can remotely manipulate the electronic voting machines used by millions of voters all across the U.S.
The researchers, Salon reported, performed their proof-of-concept hack on a Diebold Accuvote TS electronic voting machine, a type of touchscreen Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) voting system that is widely used for government elections.
(Diebold's voting-machine business is now owned by the Denver-based Dominion Voting Systems, whose e-voting machines are used in about 22 states.)
In a video, Roger Johnston and Jon Warner from Argonne National Laboratory's Vulnerability Assessment Team demonstrate three different ways an attacker could tamper with, and remotely take full control, of the e-voting machine simply by attaching what they call a piece of "alien electronics" into the machine's circuit board.
The electronic hacking tool consists of a $1.29 microprocessor and a circuit board that costs about $8. Together with the $15 remote control, which enabled the researchers to modify votes from up to a half-mile away, the whole hack runs about $26.
Two of the takeovers show the researchers controlling the buttons on the keypad despite what the "real" voter enters. But in what Warner called "probably the most relevant attack for vote tampering," the researchers were able to blank the e-voting machine's screen for a split-second after the "vote now" button was pressed. While the screen went dark, they remotely entered their own numbers into the DRE's keypad.
Johnston explained in the video: "When the voter hits the 'vote now' button to register his votes, we can blank the screen and then go back and vote differently and the voter will be unaware that this has happened."
Johnston and Warner say that the ease with which this type of remote hack could be deployed highlights the need for e-voting machines to be designed better, with not just cybersecurity, but physical security in mind.
"Spend an extra four bucks and get a better lock," Johnston said. "You don't have to have state-of-the-art security, but you can do some things were it takes at least a little bit of skill to get in."
Today's Breaking News of the remote hackable voting machines are built by the company Premier Elections Solutions which collect the vote for 28 million voters in 1,400 jurisdictions in 33 states. That's 22% of the national vote overall but for many states like Ca., N.J., N.Y., N.H., Nv., Ne., Mo., Il., Oh., Md., Vi. and 22 others it's 100% of the vote


UPDATE - 11/9/12


If you think this can't be done on a large scale watch this video - It makes no difference when this testimony was taken the fact is, IT CAN BE DONE. - N.P.Contompasis


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