E-News Poll: Large majority supports tapping nation’s resources to fight gas prices

Rep. Barton released the results of his E-News poll on Thursday afternoon.

Several days ago he asked readers this question: What is the best way for the Obama Administration to take on gas prices?

Here are the results:

  • 14 % - Allow prices to remain where they are to encourage alternate fuels and conservation
  • 10% - Do nothing and let gas prices rise or fall according to the market demands
  • 2% - Don't know
  • 68% - Try to bring prices down by increasing domestic drilling
  • 6% - Try to bring prices down by opening strategic oil reserves

More than 1,600 people took part in the poll.

Rep. Barton believes in an “All of the Above” energy policy. He wants the nation to continue exploring for domestic sources of oil and gas. It is and should remain an important component to any viable energy plan. Our economy, especially here in Texas, is based on affordable oil and gas.

At the same time, the Congressman supports new sources of energy. Republicans propose preserving the environment for the next generation by developing new technologies like clean coal, solar, wind and hydro energy.

You can participate in future polls by going to the homepage and signing up for Rep. Barton’s E-Newsletter.