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CPC Commits to Deal for All Ahead of ‘Fiscal Cliff'


Washington, D.C. – Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) Co-Chairs Reps. Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) and Keith Ellison (D-MN) today led 40 CPC members in introducing the Deal for All. The Deal for All presents the Caucus’ basic principles for resolving tax and budget issues Congress will need to address after the November election, and will serve as a framework for progressives during the negotiations.


The Deal for All resolution, which additional Members will cosponsor through the end of the year, advocates four key policies that have built the middle class and expanded the nation’s economy:


·         No cuts to benefits for millions of seniors, children, and disabled Americans who depend on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid

·         Improvements in our tax code so the richest 2 percent contribute their fair share and an end to corporate loopholes for companies that ship American jobs overseas and avoid paying taxes

·         Strategic cuts to defense spending and a focus on combating twenty-first century risks

·         Investments in America’s future that put Americans back to work


“Congress is gearing up for high-stakes tax and budget negotiations, and we’re standing with working families to make sure we build a stronger and fairer economy,” the Co-Chairs said. “While both parties will need to make sacrifices, we cannot do so at the expense of economic growth or the middle class. A balanced approach like the Deal for All would end tax breaks for the richest 2 percent, close tax loopholes for the wealthy and special interests, and ensure Americans don’t lose the benefits they’ve paid into for decades such as Social Security and Medicare.


“Republicans have relied on excessive tax breaks for the wealthy and corporations and cut the very programs that helped create a thriving middle class. At the same time, just this week, the Republican House majority is opposing common-sense budget cuts to protect a bloated defense budget and maintain a Cold War approach. This discredited approach of trickle-down economics, combined with the GOP’s refusal to govern during this session of Congress, has created the impending year-end fiscal cliff. We will not allow the GOP to push the middle class over that cliff.


“By pursuing a fair tax policy, effective job creation strategies, and sensible defense spending based on twenty-first threats, we will be able to steer the American people to a bright and prosperous future.”