
Democratic Rep. Clarke: Happy Diwali

By Alicia M. Cohn - 11/13/12 09:19 AM ET

The first Bangladeshi-American member of Congress on Tuesday wished Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists a "happy festival of lights."

Rep. Hansen Clarke (D-Mich.) wished for a "warm glow" from Diwali, a holiday celebrated in India, Bangladesh and many other, primarily Hindu, communities. 

The outgoing freshman congressman, who lost his reelection bid in a primary race against Democratic Rep.-elect Gary Peters, was the only lawmaker tweeting about Diwali so far this week.

The White House sent out an official statement on Diwali last year; the year before, President Obama and the first lady joined a Diwali celebration, including lighting a diya, during a visit to India.

In 2009, Obama was the first president to participate in Diwali celebrations at the White House.

In his statement marking the occasion this year, Obama referred to the shooting at the Sikh gurdwara in Oak Creek, Wisconsin earlier this year. 

"In the wake of that horrible tragedy, we saw the resilience of a community that drew strength from their faith and a sense of solidarity with their neighbors, Sikh and non-Sikh alike," Obama said in the statement. "Out of a day of sadness, we were reminded that the beauty of America remains our diversity, and our right to religious freedom."

Updated at 10:31 a.m.

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