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‘Nashville to You Tour’ comes to FOB Sharana

Story by Staff Sgt. Nicolas Morales | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division | Date: 11.14.2012

Five country music songwriters visited service members on Forward Operating Base Sharana, Afghanistan, the deployed-home of the 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division. Read More

Why We Serve: Sgt. Bradley Toman Michigan native keeps roads safe throughout eastern Afghanistan for the 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team.

Story by Staff Sgt. Nicolas Morales | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division | Date: 10.30.2012

Sgt. Bradley Toman looks back at the last 12 years of his military career with fond memories and an encouraging way ahead for his family and his Soldiers. Read More

‘Wolverine’ MP’s train Afghan police on combined action tactics

Courtesy Story | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division | Date: 08.09.2012

Military police from the 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division’s “Wolverine” Battalion conducted combined action team training recently with Afghan Uniformed Police officers from across... Read More

Boy Scouts get taste of Army life

Story by Staff Sgt. Tanya Green | 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs | Date: 10.11.2011

“Fall in!” Sgt. 1st Class Robert Braudis’ troops snapped to the position of attention and anticipated the senior non-commissioned officer’s next command. Read More

'Vanguard' soldiers revolutionizing food service

Story by Sgt. Mary Katzenberger | 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs | Date: 09.15.2011

Specialist Darryl D. Fisher’s idea of starting small when learning how to cook at 12 years of age was preparing an entire Thanksgiving dinner, complete with sweet potato pie. Read More