Figure 6: Comparison of Compact Impact Costs Reported by Affected Jurisdictions and Compact Impact Grants Awarded by Interior, 2004-2010

    This image is excerpted from a U.S. GAO report:

    Compacts of Free Association
    Improvements Needed to Assess and Address Growing Migration

    [U.S. compacts with the freely associated states (FAS)—the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), the Marshall Islands, and Palau—permit FAS citizens to migrate to the United States and its territories (U.S. areas) without regard to visa and labor certification requirements. Thousands of FAS citizens have migrated to U.S. areas (compact migrants)—particularly to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), Guam, and Hawaii, which are defined as affected jurisdictions.]

    Notes: Reported costs and grant amounts are nominal, unadjusted for inflation.

    Limitations in affected jurisdictions’ reported compact impact cost data affect the accuracy of affected jurisdictions reported costs as noted elsewhere in this report.

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