Mike Ross

Mike Ross


OFFICIAL Twitter Page for U.S. Congressman Mike Ross of Arkansas's Fourth Congressional District. Contact info: 1-800-223-2220 or mike.ross@mail.house.gov

Prescott, Arkansas · http://ross.house.gov

Twiitit Kaikki / Ei vastauksia

As we continue to recognize Veteran’s Day today, we must remember to honor and thank those who serve in the U.S....

While I am working hard to help our economy recover and get our nation’s fiscal house back in order, our work is...

I believe this important tradition must be preserved and promoted, especially in our nation’s capital. I have...

As a son, husband, father and as your Congressman, I am continuing the fight against breast cancer. As a country,...

Alzheimer’s is currently the only cause of death among the top 10 in America without a way to prevent, cure or...

On this Labor Day, let us renew our commitment to the American worker by focusing on job creation. Congress must...

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