U.S. Congressman Mike Ross | E-Newsletter
September 10, 2012 | Visit My Website | Forward to a Friend | Share on Facebook Twitter
U.S. Congressman Mike Ross
Dear Friends:
This week we remember the 11th anniversary of the September 11th attacks on the United States of America, when our nation was attacked and more than 3,000 people lost their lives.

As we do each year, we remember those we lost, we pray for the friends and families of the victims, we honor the heroism and sacrifices of our military and their families and we recognize the bravery of our first-responders.  But, we also renew our commitment to freedom and to liberty.

Most of us remember the fierce patriotism shared by almost every American in the days after the attacks.  Flags were flying in every city and public officials at every level were working together to respond.  American families across the nation were praying for our country and for those we lost.  The September 11th attacks did not tear us apart as the terrorists had hoped.  In fact, the attacks united this country more than any other event since World War II.  

Since that day, we have captured and brought justice to al-Qaida and most of their leaders, including Osama Bin Laden.  We have worked hard to make our intelligence agencies smarter, more effective and better able to communicate with one another.  And, we’ve better trained our first-responders to prepare for future attacks.  

While we have made great progress in the war on terror, we must remain vigilant as we continue to keep America safe and secure.  We have the strongest, most advanced fighting force in the history of the world, but the world’s most powerful weapons can’t always stop those willing to come to our shores and cause us harm.  

We need a multifaceted approach that includes more effective intelligence gathering, stronger border enforcement and ongoing cooperation with our global allies.  As your Congressman, I am committed to ensuring that attacks like this never happen again. Protecting our skies, our ports and our borders are vital to our homeland security.

In addition to those we lost on September 11th, we must almost also remember the brave men and women in uniform who gave the ultimate sacrifice in pursuit of justice and liberty in the eleven years following the attacks.  Thousands gave their lives or have returned home injured and thousands more are currently serving across the world doing everything they can to keep us safe.  Let us honor their service and their sacrifice by renewing our commitment to them.

On this, the 11th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, we must never forget how we felt that day nor the unity, patriotism and compassion for each other we all shared.  Americans proved the ability we have as a nation to pull together in the most difficult of times to help one another.

I hope you will join me in continuing to pray for those we lost, for our troops and their families and for all those who were affected by the 9/11 attacks.  But, most importantly, I hope you will join me in praying for our country and its leaders as we all work together to keep America safe and to continue our mission of defending liberty and freedom at all costs.


Mike Ross

Defending Our Defenders Listening Session

August 21, 2012 - Mike speaks at the Defending Our Defenders Listening Session in Fort Smith about the importance of keeping the 188th Fighter Wing in Fort Smith.



Compared to 10 years ago, do you think America is more secure, less secure or about the same?

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Do you believe the job market is better, worse, or about the same as it was a year ago?
  • Better     18%     
  • Worse    61%
  • Same     21%


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