Press Releases

Conservatives in House Elect Steve Scalise as Next Chairman of the Republican Study Committee

Washington, Nov 15 - The Republican Study Committee, the caucus of conservatives in the U.S. House of Representatives, today elected Congressman Steve Scalise of Louisiana as its next Chairman.  Rep. Scalise’s two-year tenure as the leader of conservatives in the House begins when the new Congress is sworn into office in January.  Biographical information on Rep. Scalise can be found here.

“The Republican Study Committee is the conservative conscience of the House, and I’m humbled and honored to be chosen as the RSC’s leader for the 113th Congress,” Scalise said.  “The American people chose the Republican House to serve as the only line of defense against Barack Obama’s liberal agenda, and the RSC must stand tall as the conservative rudder, steering the House towards more conservative solutions as we work to get our country back on the right track.  We must unite as conservatives around our shared beliefs of economic opportunity for all Americans through lower taxes, controlled Washington spending, and more individual freedom."

“I want to thank Tom Graves for running a strong campaign," Scalise continued.  "Tom is a valuable member of the RSC and we will continue to lean upon his passion for our Constitutional principles as we unite as conservatives to move our country forward."

“Our mission for the 113th Congress is clear.  We must protect the American Dream for future generations by working to pass conservative solutions to the many problems facing our nation," Scalise said.  "The stakes are too high and the consequences too grave for us to fail at this mission.  Our nation has overcome countless hurdles and hardships to become the beacon of freedom for the rest of the world.  We cannot let that light fade on our watch, and I will work every day with all our RSC Members to ensure that the American dream is preserved and strengthened for future generations.”

“It has been my honor to serve this group of dedicated and principled conservatives, and I offer my congratulations to Representative Scalise,” said current RSC Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio.  “Steve Scalise will be a strong voice for the conservative solutions House Republicans were elected to champion.  His leadership will be critically important as we work to strengthen the economy and defeat the debt.  I wish him the best of luck in his new position of leadership.”


Congressman Jim Jordan is Chairman of the Republican Study Committee (RSC).

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