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The New Boss in Town
Lt. Gen. Terry G. Robling presents the U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific colors, after assuming command of MarForPac, during a change of command ceremony with Lt. Gen. Duane D....
Australian chief of army observes Aussies, Yankees working together
Australian Army Soldiers from Alpha Company, 1st Royal Australian Regiment, discuss tactics before a raid using Amphibious Assault Vehicles driven by U.S. Marines from Combat...
Australian chief of army observes Aussies, Yankees working together
Australian Army Soldiers from Alpha Company, 1st Royal Australian Regiment, practice room clearing techniques on an open floor plan so that peers and instructors can observe them...
Australian chief of army observes Aussies, Yankees working together
Lt. Gen. David Lindsay Morrison, Chief of Army, Australian Army, converses with soldiers of Alpha Company, 1st Royal Australian Regiment, during a visit to Marine Corps Base Hawaii...

News News Stories

Moroccans, Marines prep for final exercise at Exercise Africa Lion 2012
Marines of 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment, Battalion Landing Team, 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit and Moroccan Armed Forces service members, teamed up to rehearse the final exercise for Exercise Africa Lion 2012...
Mortars arrive by sea, attack on land, extract by air
Marine mortar men from the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit, in support of African Lion 2012, executed a quick-strike, indirect-fire mission on a simulated enemy fuel convoy at Cap Draa, Morocco, April 9.

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