James E. Clyburn

James E. Clyburn


Rep. Clyburn is the Assistant Democratic Leader, the number three Democrat in the House of Representatives. He represents South Carolina's 6th District.

Washington, DC · http://assistantdemocraticleader.house.gov

Tweets Tout / Sans réponses

One of the highest honors of my life to receive the Lewis-Houghton Leadership Award from the Faith and Politics Institute last night.

Click here for my letter to the House Democrats about making sure all voices are heard at the Leadership table:

It's my pleasure to congratulate . She will be an outstanding Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus.

184,000 new private sector jobs in Oct = good news. Congress should pass Obama jobs bill ASAP.

Sen McGovern was a war hero and strong leader for peace, justice and feeding hungry people throughout the world. May he rest in peace.

Seniors earned their Medicare benefits through lifetime of hard work; Republican budget plan would replace Medicare guarantee w voucher plan

Republican budget ends Medicare guarantee, and new Kaiser study shows 59% of Medicare patients would pay more for care

Kaiser Foundation study shows Republican Medicare voucher plan would increase premiums for millions of seniors

Today's jobs report shows Pres Obama's policies are working despite the Congress. We need to keep moving forward, not go back.

Great job, Morning Joe team! We ranked #1 in young viewers for September and had our highest ratings in 4 years. Proud of you!

Wishing all my Jewish friends a peaceful and fulfilling Yom Kippur and culmination of the Days of Awe. Have an easy fast.

Le chargement semble mettre du temps.

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