Boehner Birthday Song

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Uploaded by on May 3, 2006

Majority Leader Boehner sings a birthday song.




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  • He's like steve carrel's character on the office.

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  • He really needs to work on those lyrics.

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  • What the hell is wrong with him?? Why does he always act and sound like he's drunk all the time?

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  • Wow he didn't cry? probably too drunk!

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  • @Slayerfan84 you can't filibuster in the House, bro. They do that in the Senate. Boehner's not a Senator =)

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  • There you have it folks, 21st century leadership in action. LOL

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  • I wonder if all comedians make what Boehner makes...

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  • I lurve you John Boehner!

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