John Boehner

John Boehner


I represent Ohio's 8th Congressional District and serve as Speaker of the House; am fighting for a smaller, more accountable government.

West Chester, Ohio ·

ציוצים הכול / אין תגובות

With no flexibility or control, it makes no sense for Ohio to run its own Obamacare exchange. We're saying NO.

There’s still a lot of work to be done, but I’m confident both parties can come together around a deal to avert the

My framework is consistent w/ the president’s call for a “balanced” approach. Includes spending cuts & revenue. Doesn't raise tax rates

Had a constructive meeting w/ Pres. Obama this am; I offered a framework to avert w/ pro-growth tax reform & spending cuts

If there was a mandate in this election, it was a mandate to work together to do what's best for America - not to raise tax rates

If there is a mandate from Tues, it is a mandate for both parties to work together to avert the & support economic growth.

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