Senator Jerry Moran Delivers Floor Speech About Entrepreneurship Week

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Published on Nov 13, 2012 by

U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (KS) spoke about Global Entrepreneurship Week on the Senate Floor on Tuesday, November 13th, 2012. More information on #GEW can be found here:


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  • It all sounds good that new businesses are starting up in Kansas, but will they be limited to 49 employee's, will they be working less than full time, Will the company be able to get a waiver on implementing Obamacare? Will they be in business in one years? I have lost all hope in our Government {BHO is a Marxist} and the Politicans {Dems & GOP's} are having a grand ol time in DC. I'm on SS and some VA benefits, I can't pay my bills but do have shelter & food. I need a JOB!

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