The Affordable Care Act Turns Two #healthcareworks

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Published on Mar 22, 2012 by

The story of healthcare reform actually begins in 1912, when Republican President Theodore Roosevelt first attempted to pass a universal health care bill. His Square Deal would have guaranteed medical coverage to all Americans.

In 1935 President Franklin D. Roosevelt fought for healthcare as part of the New Deal. Throughout his Presidency he called health care a right of all Americans.

For more than half a century, the American people sought this right. We could wait no longer.
On March 23, 2010, that right was achieved.

March 23, 2012, marks the two year anniversary since the passage of the historic Affordable Care Act. Millions of Americans now have access to better and more affordable healthcare.

Why do Republicans want to repeal these benefits from so many Americans?
•360,000 small businesses have received Tax Credit to help them afford health insurance for 2 million workers in 2011
•2.3 million seniors have received a Annual Wellness Visit
•2.5 million additional young adults have been able to stay on their parents plan
•3.6 million senior are receiving a 50% discount on prescription drugs
•17 million children with pre-existing conditions can no longer be denied healthcare
•22 million seniors have received one or more free preventative service
•86 million Americans, have received one or more free preventive services, such as check-ups and cancer screenings.
•105 million Americans have had a lifetime limit on their coverage eliminated

Some claimed that the healthcare law would kill jobs but that has not been the case: 3.5 million jobs have been created since the healthcare law was enacted.

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act:
•If you're woman you will no longer be charged higher premiums than men for the same coverage
•You can no longer be dropped from your insurance company for being sick
•You no longer have a life time limit on your coverage
•You are now protected from how much out-of-pocket costs in your plan

Most importantly, remember these three things:
•If you have a pre-existing condition you can no longer be denied healthcare
•If you're under 26 you are now covered on your parents' health insurance while you look for a job
•Under your new plan you are receiving free preventative services such as HIV testing, cancer screening and contraception

Republicans call it "ObamaCare" and Democrats call it the Affordable Care Act. Whatever you call it...#healthcareworks.


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