Senator Rand Paul

Senator Rand Paul


U.S. Senator for Kentucky

My dad's in the speaker's chair. I'm on the House floor. We're about to hijack the house!

Just issued a statement regarding new information found, pertaining to the Obama Administration's failure in Libya.

President of the Senate Joe Biden: "Show me your budget, and I will tell you what you value." 1,261 days since Senate passed a budget, btw.

Tune in at 2pm EST today, for my appearance on w/ to discuss the recent embassy attacks across the Mideast.

Last night, Senate Leadership denied my request to vote on amdt to end aid to Pakistan for the detainment of Dr. Afridi

Issued a letter to Harry Reid, stating my plans to hold up Senate business, until a vote to free Dr Afridi is scheduled

Pemuatan tampaknya berlangsung agak lama.

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