Senator Rand Paul

Senator Rand Paul


U.S. Senator for Kentucky

American さんが作成

Seeking ways to realign America with the ideals of our founding fathers.

Current and former public officials, famous people, and organizations

Yes, there are a handful of them.

News さんが作成


politics さんが作成

politicians さんが作成

Possible presidential candidates for 2016.

Politics さんが作成

U.S. Senate さんが作成

100 members of the Senate + 3 Senate tweet feeds. [113th Congress]

Senate さんが作成

Members of Senate

Political さんが作成

Libertarians さんが作成

List さんが作成

news, government, green, smart growth and more: diversity with a coastal carolina twist.

The People of the United States who support #Liberty and #Justice for all. #tcot #tlot

A list of politicians, politicos, operatives, and national political people.


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