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Senate Democrat Leadership Denies Sen. Paul Brief Debate and Vote on Ending Aid to Pakistan

Sep 13, 2012

 WASHINGTON, D.C. - Yesteday, Sen. Rand Paul once again requested that Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid (Nev.) provide a brief amount of time for debate and a vote on Sen. Paul's amendment to end U.S. aid to the government of Pakistan for their detainment of Dr. Shakil Afridi. Sen. Reid blocked Sen. Paul's attempt to allow a vote on his Pakistan amendment, as well as a new amendment cutting funding to Egypt and Libya pending the discovery and release to FBI authorities the perpetrators of Tuesday's attacks on our U.S. consulate and U.S. embassy. The two amendments introduced this evening are 2783 and 2815, respectively.

Sen. Paul offered the following statement prior to introducing his amendments:

"Today we are reminded that our enemies are relentless but we are also reminded that our so-called allies are often not acting like allies at all. We are saddened by the assassination of Ambassador Stevens and his fellow workers. And we are appalled by lack of protection of our embassies by supposed allies. We send billions of taxpayer dollars abroad and what do we get in return? Disrespect, disdain, and ultimately violence.

"I have two amendments I wish to call down. First, not one penny of American taxpayer dollars should go to Libya until the murderers are delivered to justice. And not one more penny should go to Egypt until they prove that they are willing and able to protect our embassy. Second, not one more penny of American taxpayer dollars should go to Pakistan until the doctor who helped us get bin Laden is freed."


Below is video and transcript of Sen. Paul's floor appearance last night:




Where to start? I mean what a charade and what a farce. The Majority filibusters their own bills. They fill up the Amendment tree, they don't even pretend like they are going to work with the other side. How do you expect to pass legislation if you won't allow any input from the other party? A charade and a farce.

As far as helping that young veteran, our soldiers went to war in Afghanistan to get Bin Laden. We finally got Bin Laden and we got him with the help Dr. Shakil Afridi.

I don't see one peep from the other side, I don't see one bit of concern for the man who helped get Bin Laden. Our soldiers went Afghanistan, that young man lost a limb, a young man in my town also lost three limbs. They did it to get this horrible mass murderer, Bin Laden.

This happened and this is why we went to war and we're going to do nothing to support the man who helped us get Bin Laden? We send good money after bad, billions of dollars have been squandered in Pakistan.

Pakistan then tortures the man who helped America get Bin Laden. And we do nothing.

I've asked for 15 minutes to vote on this issue. 15 Minutes. No one's obstructing this for any sort of personal vendetta. I'm more than happy to work with the majority.

I care deeply about the veterans. I care deeply about housing and helping the veterans who have fought for their country. But this is about whether or not we as a country and the American taxpayers will be asked to send good money after bad to allies that are not acting like allies.

Today we were reminded that our enemies are relentless, but we are also reminded that our so-called allies are not acting like allies at all.

We are saddened by the assassination of Ambassador Stevens and his fellow workers and we are appalled by the lack of protection for our embassies by our supposed allies. We send billions of taxpayer dollars abroad, and what do we get in return?

Disrespect, disdain, and now ultimately violence.

I have two amendments that I wish to call down. First, not one penny should be sent to Libya until the assassins are delivered to justice.

Not one penny should go to Egypt until they guarantee the safety and protection of our embassies. And, second, not one more penny should go to Pakistan until the doctor who helped us get Bin Laden is freed.

Is it too much to ask of the Senate.  I'm more than willing to cooperate. I'm more than willing to let those go home who want to go home and campaign. I know it's going to be a tough election for the other side.

But the thing is, I'm more than willing to let you go home any time. I do this because it's important that our allies act like allies. It's important that we have a vote that this Senate go on record and say, do you support the American taxpayer? So you want to help the man who helped us get Bin Laden?

So Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to set aside the pending amendments and call up Amendment 2783 and also another amendment that is at the desk and yet to be numbered.






Contact Senator Rand Paul at One of his Offices

Bowling Green - Main State Office
1029 State Street
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Phone: 270-782-8303

423 Federica St, Ste 305
Owensboro, KY 42301
Phone: 270-689-9085

Crescent Springs
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Crescent Springs, KY 41017
Phone: 859-426-0165

Gorman Education Center
601 Main Street, Ste 2
Hazard, KY 41701
Phone: 606-435-2390
Fax: 606-435-1761

771 Corporate Dr, Ste 105
Lexington, KY 40503
Phone: 859-219-2239

600 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Pl,
Rm 1072B
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: 502-582-5341

1100 S. Main St, Ste 12
Hopkinsville, KY 42240
Phone: 270-885-1212

Washington, DC
208 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington DC, 20510
Phone: 202-224-4343