[United States Senate Manual, 107th Congress]
[S. Doc. 107-1]
[Non-statutory Standing Orders and Regulations Affecting the Business of the Senate]
[Pages 156-159]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]


                Sec. 1. Establishment of the special committee
              (a) Establishment.--There is established a special 
            committee of the Senate to be known as the Special Committee 
            on the Year 2000 Technology Problem (hereafter in this 
            resolution referred to as the ``special committee'').
              (b) Purpose.--The purpose of the special committee is--
                (1) to study the impact of the year 2000 technology 
            problem on the Executive and Judicial Branches of the 
            Federal Government, State governments, and private sector 
            operations in the United States and abroad;
                (2) to make such findings of fact as are warranted and 
            appropriate; and
                (3) to make such recommendations, including 
            recommendations for new legislation and amendments to 
            existing laws and any administrative or other actions, as 
            the special committee may determine to be necessary or 

            No proposed legislation shall be referred to the special 
            committee, and the committee shall not have power to report 
            by bill, or otherwise have legislative jurisdiction.
              (c) Treatment as Standing Committee.--For purposes of 
            paragraphs 1, 2, 7(a)(1)-(2), and 10(a) of rule XXVI and 
            rule XXVII of the Standing Rules of the Senate, and section 
            202 (i) and (j) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 
            1946, the special committee shall be treated as a standing 
            committee of the Senate.

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                Sec. 2. Membership and organization of the special 
              (a) Membership.--
                (1) In general.--The special committee shall consist of 
            7 members of the Senate--
                (A) 4 of whom shall be appointed by the President pro 
            tempore of the Senate from the majority party of the Senate 
            upon the recommendation of the Majority Leader of the 
            Senate; and
                (B) 3 of whom shall be appointed by the President pro 
            tempore of the Senate from the minority party of the Senate 
            upon the recommendation of the Minority Leader of the 

            The Chairman and Ranking Minority Member of the 
            Appropriations Committee shall be appointed ex-offico 
                (2) Vacancies.--Vacancies in the membership of the 
            special committee shall not affect the authority of the 
            remaining members to execute the functions of the special 
            committee and shall be filled in the same manner as original 
            appointments to it are made.
                (3) Service.--For the purpose of paragraph 4 of rule XXV 
            of the Standing Rules of the Senate, service of a Senator as 
            a member, chairman, or vice chairman of the special 
            committee shall not be taken into account.
              (b) Chairman.--The chairman of the special committee shall 
            be selected by the Majority Leader of the Senate and the 
            vice chairman of the special committee shall be selected by 
            the Minority Leader of the Senate. The vice chairman shall 
            discharge such responsibilities as the special committee or 
            the chairman may assign.
                Sec. 3. Authority of special committee
                (a) In general.--For the purposes of this resolution, 
            the special committee is authorized, in its discretion--
                (1) to make expenditures from the contingent fund of the 
                (2) to employ personnel;
                (3) to hold hearings;
                (4) to sit and act at any time or place during the 
            sessions, recesses, and adjourned periods of the Senate;
                (5) to require, by subpoena or otherwise, the attendance 
            of witnesses and the production of correspondence, books, 
            papers, and documents;
                (6) to take depositions and other testimony;

[[Page 158]]

                (7) to procure the services of individual consultations 
            or organizations thereof, in accordance with the provisions 
            of section 202(i) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 
            1946; and
                (8) with the prior consent of the Government department 
            or agency concerned and the Committee on Rules and 
            Administration, to use on a nonreimbursable basis the 
            services of personnel of any such department or agency.
              (b) Oaths for Witnesses.--The chairman of the special 
            committee or any member thereof may administer oaths to 
              (c) Subpoenas.--Subpoenas authorized by the special 
            committee may be issued over the signature of the chairman 
            after consultation with the vice chairman, or any member of 
            the special committee designated by the chairman after 
            consultation with the vice chairman, and may be served by 
            any person designated by the chairman or the member signing 
            the subpoena.
              (d) Other Committee Staff.--The special committee may use, 
            with the prior consent of the chairman of any other Senate 
            committee or the chairman of any subcommittee of any 
            committee of the Senate and on a nonreimbuseable basis, the 
            facilities or services of any members of the staff of such 
            other Senate committee whenever the special committee or its 
            chairman, following consultation with the vice chairman, 
            considers that such action is necessary or appropriate to 
            enable the special committee to make the investigation and 
            study provided for in this resolution.
              (e) Use of Office Space.--The staff of the special 
            committee may be located in the personal office of a Member 
            of the special committee.
                Sec. 4. Report and termination
              The special committee shall report its findings, together 
            with such recommendations as it deems advisable, to the 
            Senate at the earliest practicable date.
                Sec. 5. Funding
              (a) In general.--From the date this resolution is agreed 
            to through February 29, 2000, the expenses of the special 
            committee incurred under this resolution shall not exceed 
            $575,000 for the period beginning on the date of adoption of 
            this resolution through February 28, 1999, and $575,000 for 
            the period of March 1, 1999 through February 29, 2000, of 
            which amount not to exceed

[[Page 159]]

            $200,000 shall be available for each period for the 
            procurement of the services of individual consultants, or 
            organizations thereof, as authorized by section 202(i) of 
            the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946.
              (b) Payment of Benefits.--The retirement and health 
            benefits of employees of the special committee shall be paid 
            out of the contingent fund of the Senate.

                                     [S. Res. 208, 105-2, Apr. 2, 1998.]