[United States Senate Manual, 107th Congress]
[S. Doc. 107-1]
[Non-statutory Standing Orders and Regulations Affecting the Business of the Senate]
[Pages 136-138]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]

      96.1                   SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON AGING

                Sec. 104. (a)(1) There is established a Special 
            Committee on Aging (hereafter in this section referred to as 
            the ``special committee'') which shall consist of 
            nineteen\2\ members. The members and chairman of the special 
            committee shall be appointed in the same manner and at the 
            same time as the members and chairman of a standing 
            committee of the Senate. After the date on which the 
            majority and minority members of the special committee are 
            initially appointed on or after the effective date of Title 
            I of the Committee System Reorganization Amendments of 1977, 
            each time a vacancy occurs in the membership of the special 
            committee, the number of members of the special committee 
            shall be reduced by one until the number of members of the 
            special committee consists of nine Senators.
                \1\Omitted portions amended the Standing Rules of the 
            Senate and various Senate resolutions, were temporary in 
            nature, or have been executed.
                \2\See paragraph 3(b) of rule XXV of the Standing Rules, 
            Senate Manual section 25.3b for current membership.
                (2)\3\ For purposes of paragraph 1 of rule XXV; 
            paragraphs 1, 7(a)(1)-(2), 9, and 10(a) of rule XXVI; and 
            paragraphs 1(a)-(d), and 2 (a) and (d) of rule XXVII of the 
            Standing Rules of the Senate; and for purposes of section 
            202 (i) and (j) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 

[[Page 137]]

            the special committee shall be treated as a standing 
            committee of the Senate.\4\
                \3\The references in this paragraph were changed as a 
            result of the adoption of S. Res. 274, 96-1, Nov. 14, 1979; 
            and further changed as a result of the adoption of S. Res. 
            389, 96-2, Mar. 25, 1980.
                \4\As amended, S. Res. 78, 95-1, Feb. 11, 1977; S. Res. 
            376, 95-2, Mar. 6, 1978.
                (b)(1) It shall be the duty of the special committee to 
            conduct a continuing study of any and all matters pertaining 
            to problems and opportunities of older people, including, 
            but not limited to, problems and opportunities of 
            maintaining health, of assuring adequate income, of finding 
            employment, of engaging in productive and rewarding 
            activity, of securing proper housing, and, when necessary, 
            of obtaining care or assistance. No proposed legislation 
            shall be referred to such committee, and such committee 
            shall not have power to report by bill, or otherwise have 
            legislative jurisdiction.
                (2) The special committee shall, from time to time (but 
            not less often than once each year), report to the Senate 
            the results of the study conducted pursuant to paragraph 
            (1), together with such recommendation as it considers 
                (c)(1) For the purposes of this section, the special 
            committee is authorized, in its discretion, (A) to make 
            investigations into any matter within its jurisdiction, (B) 
            to make expenditures from the contingent fund of the Senate, 
            (C) to employ personnel, (D) to hold hearings, (E) to sit 
            and act at any time or place during the sessions, recesses, 
            and adjourned periods of the Senate, (F) to require, by 
            subpena or otherwise, the attendance of witnesses and the 
            production of correspondence, books, papers, and documents, 
            (G) to take depositions and other testimony, (H) to procure 
            the services of individual consultations or organizations 
            thereof, in accordance with the provisions of section 202(i) 
            of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, and (I) with 
            the prior consent of the Government department or agency 
            concerned and the Committee on Rules and Administration, to 
            use on a reimbursable basis the services of personnel of any 
            such department or agency.
                (2) The chairman of the special committee or any member 
            thereof may administer oaths to witnesses.
                (3) Subpenas authorized by the special committee may be 
            issued over the signature of the chairman, or any member of 
            the special committee designated by the chairman, and may be 
            served by any person designated by the chairman or the 
            member signing the subpena.

[[Page 138]]

                (d) All records and papers of the temporary Special 
            Committee on Aging established by Senate Resolution 33, 
            Eighty-seventh Congress, are transferred to the special 
                (e) (Executed.)