[United States Senate Manual, 107th Congress]
[S. Doc. 107-1]
[Rules for Regulation of the Senate Wing of the Capitol and Senate Office Buildings]
[Page 162]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]

       123                             RULE IV

                                EQUIPMENT IN CHAMBER

     123.1      1. The taking of pictures of any kind is prohibited in 
            the Senate Chamber, the Senate Reading Rooms (Marble Room 
            and Lobby), the Senate Cloakrooms, and the Private Dining 
            Room of the Senate.
                \1\ Paragraph 1 of rule IV has been temporarily 
            suspended on numerous occasions for the taking of official 
            photographs of the Senate in session, and on Dec. 19, 1974, 
            for telecasting the inauguration of Vice President Nelson A. 
            Rockefeller. Senate authorization for the telecasting of the 
            New Hampshire contested senatorial election debate was not 

     123.2      2. The Sergeant at Arms shall be authorized to admit 
            into the Senate Chamber such mechanical equipment and/or 
            devices which, in the judgment of the Sergeant at Arms, are 
            necessary and proper in the conduct of official Senate 
            business and which by their presence shall not in any way 
            distract, interrupt, or inconvenience the business or 
            Members of the Senate.