[United States Senate Manual, 107th Congress]
[S. Doc. 107-1]
[Pages 807-815]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]

[[Page 807]]


                 Chapter 7.--INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS, CONGRESSES, ETC.

                                    * * * * * * *

      1025  Sec. 276c-1. Reports of expenditures by members of American 
                groups or delegations and employees; consolidated 
                reports by Congressional committees; public inspection.
                Each chairman or senior member of the House of 
            Representatives and Senate group or delegation of the United 
            States group or delegation to the Interparliamentary Union, 
            the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, the Canada-United States 
            Interparliamentary Group, the Mexico-United States 
            Interparliamentary Group, or any similar interparliamentary 
            group of which the United States is a member or 
            participates, by whom or on whose behalf local currencies 
            owned by the United States are made available and expended 
            and/or expenditures are made from funds appropriated for the 
            expenses of such group or delegation, shall file with the 
            chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate 
            in the case of the group or delegation of the Senate, or 
            with the chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the 
            House of Representatives in the case of the group or 
            delegation of the House, an itemized report showing all such 
            expenditures made by or on behalf of each Member or employee 
            of the group or delegation together with the purposes of the 
            expenditure, including per diem (lodging and meals), 
            transportation, and other purposes. Within sixty days after 
            the beginning of each regular session of Congress, the 
            chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations and the 
            chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs shall prepare 
            consolidated reports showing with respect to each such group 
            or delegation the total amount expended, the purposes of the 
            expenditures, the amount expended for each such purpose, the 
            names of the Members or employees by or on behalf of whom 
            the expenditures were made and the amount expended by or on 
            behalf of each Member or employee for each such purpose. The 
            consolidated reports prepared by the chairman of the 
            Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate shall be filed 
            with the Secretary of the Senate, and the consolidated 
            reports prepared by the chairman of the Committee on Foreign 
            Affairs of the House shall be filed with the Clerk of the 
            House and shall be open to public inspection. (As amended 
            Pub. L. 103-437, Sec. 9(a)(2), Nov. 2, 1994, 108 Stat. 4588; 
            Pub. L. 104-186, Title II, Sec. 218(1), Aug. 20, 1996, 110 
            Stat. 1747; Pub. L. 106-113, Div. B, Sec. 1000(a)(7). [Div. 
            A, Title VII, Sec. 701(b)(2)], Nov. 29, 1999, 113 Stat. 
            1536, 1501A-459).

                    canada-united states interparliamentary group


      1026  Sec. 276d. United States group; appointment; term; meetings.
                Not to exceed twenty-four Members of Congress shall be 
            appointed to meet jointly and at least annually and when 
            Congress is not in session (except that this restriction 
            shall not apply during the first

[[Page 808]]

            session of the Eighty-sixth Congress or to meetings held in 
            the United States) with representatives of the House of 
            Commons and Senate of the Canadian Parliament for discussion 
            of common problems in the interests of relations between the 
            United States and Canada. Of the Members of the Congress to 
            be appointed for the purposes of this section (hereinafter 
            designated as the United States group) half shall be 
            appointed by the Speaker of the House from Members of the 
            House (not less than four of whom shall be from the Foreign 
            Affairs Committee), and half shall be appointed by the 
            President of the Senate upon recommendations of the majority 
            and minority leaders of the Senate from Members of the 
            Senate (not less than four of whom shall be from the Foreign 
            Relations Committee).
                Such appointments shall be for the period of each 
            meeting of the Canada-United States Interparliamentary group 
            except for the four members of the Foreign Affairs Committee 
            and the four members of the Foreign Relations Committee, 
            whose appointments shall be for the duration of each 
                The Chairman or Vice Chairman of the House delegation 
            shall be a Member from the Foreign Affairs Committee, and, 
            unless the President of the Senate, upon the recommendation 
            of the Majority Leader, determines otherwise, the Chairman 
            or Vice Chairman of the Senate delegation shall be a Member 
            from the Foreign Relations Committee. (Pub. L. 86-42, 
            Sec. 1, June 11, 1959, 73 Stat. 72; Pub. L. 95-45, 
            Sec. 4(a), June 15, 1977, 91 Stat. 222; Pub. L. 103-437, 
            Sec. 9(a)(3), Nov. 2, 1994, 108 Stat. 4588.)

      1027  Sec. 276e. Authorization of appropriations; disbursements.
                An appropriation of $150,000 annually is authorized, 
            $75,000 of which shall be for the House delegation and 
            $75,000 for the Senate delegation, or so much thereof as may 
            be necessary, to assist in meeting the expenses of the 
            United States group of the Canada-United States 
            Interparliamentary group for each fiscal year for which an 
            appropriation is made, the House and Senate portions of such 
            appropriation to be disbursed on vouchers to be approved by 
            the Chairman of the House delegation and the Chairman of the 
            Senate delegation, respectively. (Pub. L. 86-42, Sec. 2, 
            June 11, 1959, 73 Stat. 72; Pub. L. 94-350, Title I, 
            Sec. 118(a), July 12, 1976, 90 Stat. 827; Pub. L. 103-236, 
            Title V, Sec. 502(a)(2), Apr. 30, 1994, 108 Stat. 462; Pub. 
            L. 107-77, Title IV, Sec. 408(b)(3), Nov. 28, 2001, 115 
            Stat. 791).
                    mexico-united states interparliamentary group


      1028  Sec. 276h. United States group; appointment; term; meetings.
                Not to exceed twenty-four Members of Congress shall be 
            appointed to meet jointly and at least annually with 
            representatives of the Chamber of Deputies and Chamber of 
            Senators of the Mexican Congress for discussion of common 
            problems in the interests of relations between the United 
            States and Mexico. Of the Members of the Congress to be 
            appointed for the purposes of this section (hereinafter 
            designated as the United States group) half shall be 
            appointed by the Speaker of the House from Members of the 
            House (not less than four of whom shall be from the Foreign 
            Affairs Committee), and half shall be appointed by the 
            President of the Senate upon recommendations of the majority 
            and minority leaders of the Senate from Members of the 

[[Page 809]]

            (not less than four of whom shall be from the Foreign 
            Relations Committee). Such appointments shall be for the 
            period of each meeting of the Mexico-United States 
            Interparliamentary group except for the four members of the 
            Foreign Affairs Committee, and the four members of the 
            Foreign Relations Committee, whose appointments shall be for 
            the duration of each Congress.
                The Chairman or Vice Chairman of the House delegation 
            shall be a Member from the Foreign Affairs Committee, and, 
            unless the President of the Senate, upon the recommendation 
            of the Majority Leader, determines otherwise, the Chairman 
            or Vice Chairman of the Senate delegation shall be a Member 
            from the Foreign Relations Committee. (Pub. L. 86-420, 
            Sec. 1, Apr. 9, 1960, 74 Stat. 40; Pub. L. 95-45, Sec. 4(b), 
            June 15, 1977, 91 Stat. 222; Pub. L. 103-437, Sec. 9(a)(4), 
            Nov. 2, 1994, 108 Stat. 4585.)

      1029  Sec. 276i. Authorization of appropriations; disbursements.
                An appropriation of $120,000 annually is authorized, 
            $60,000 of which shall be for the House delegation and 
            $60,000 for the Senate delegation, or so much thereof as may 
            be necessary, to assist in meeting the expenses of the 
            United States group of the Mexico-United States 
            Interparliamentary group for each fiscal year for which an 
            appropriation is made, the House and Senate portions of such 
            appropriation to be disbursed on vouchers to be approved by 
            the Chairman of the House delegation and the Chairman of the 
            Senate delegation, respectively. (As amended Pub. L. 101-
            515, Title III, Sec. 304(c), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 2129; 
            Pub. L. 103-236, Title V, Sec. 502(a)(1), Apr. 30, 1994, 108 
            Stat. 461; Pub. L. 107-77, Title IV, Sec. 408(b)(2), Nov. 
            28, 2001, 115 Stat. 790).
      1030  Sec. 276l. British-American Interparliamentary Group.
            (a) Establishment and meetings
                Not to exceed 24 Members of Congress shall be appointed 
            to meet annually and when the Congress is not in session 
            (except that this restriction shall not apply to meetings 
            held in the United States), with representatives of the 
            House of Commons and the House of Lords of the Parliament of 
            Great Britain for discussion of common problems in the 
            interest of relations between the United States and Great 
            Britain. The Members of Congress so appointed shall be 
            referred to as the ``United States group'' of the United 
            States Interparliamentary Group.
            (b) Appointment of members
                Of the Members of Congress appointed for purposes of 
            this section--
                            (1) half shall be appointed by the Speaker 
                        of the House of Representatives from among 
                        Members of the House (not less than 4 of whom 
                        shall be members of the Committee on Foreign 
                        Affairs), and
                            (2) half shall be appointed by the President 
                        pro tempore of the Senate, upon recommendations 
                        of the majority and minority leaders of the 
                        Senate, from among Members of the Senate (not 
                        less than 4 of whom shall be members of the 
                        Committee on Foreign Relations) unless the 
                        majority and minority leaders of the Senate 
                        determine otherwise.

[[Page 810]]

            (c) Chair and Vice Chair
                (1) The Chair or Vice Chair of the House delegation of 
            the United States group shall be a member from the Committee 
            on Foreign Affairs.
                (2) The President pro tempore of the Senate shall 
            designate the Chair or Vice Chair of the Senate delegation.
            (d) Funding
                There is authorized to be appropriated $50,000 for each 
            fiscal year to assist in meeting the expenses of the United 
            States group for each fiscal year for which an appropriation 
            is made, half of which shall be for the House delegation and 
            half of which shall be for the Senate delegation. The House 
            and Senate portions of such appropriations shall be 
            disbursed on vouchers to be approved by the Chair of the 
            House delegation and the Chair of the Senate delegation, 
            (e) Certification of expenditures
                The certificate of the Chair of the House delegation or 
            the Senate delegation of the United States group shall be 
            final and conclusive upon the accounting officers in the 
            auditing of the accounts of the United States group.
            (f) Annual report
                The United States group shall submit to the Congress a 
            report for each fiscal year for which an appropriation is 
            made for the United States group, which shall include its 
            expenditures under such appropriation.
            (g) [Omitted.] (Pub. L. 102-138, Title I, Sec. 168, Oct. 28, 
                1991, 105 Stat. 676.)


      1031  Sec. 276m. United States Delegation to the Parliamentary 
                Assembly of the Conference on Security and Cooperation 
                in Europe (CSCE).
            (a) Establishment
                In accordance with the allocation of seats to the United 
            States in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Conference on 
            Security and Cooperation in Europe (hereinafter referred to 
            as the ``CSCE Assembly'') not to exceed 17 Members of 
            Congress shall be appointed to meet jointly and annually 
            with representative parliamentary groups from other 
            Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) 
            member-nations for the purposes of--
                            (1) assessing the implementation of the 
                        objectives of the CSCE;
                            (2) discussing subjects addressed during the 
                        meetings of the Council of Ministers for Foreign 
                        Affairs and the biennial Summit of Heads of 
                        State or Government;
                            (3) initiating and promoting such national 
                        and multilateral measures as may further 
                        cooperation and security in Europe.
            (b) Appointment of Delegation
                For each meeting of the CSCE Assembly, there shall be 
            appointed a United States Delegation, as follows:
                            (1) In 1992 and every even-numbered year 
                        thereafter, 9 Members shall be appointed by the 
                        Speaker of the House from Members of the House 
                        (not less than 4 of whom, including the Chairman 
                        of the United States Delegation, shall be from 
                        the Committee on

[[Page 811]]

                        Foreign Affairs); and 8 Members shall, upon 
                        recommendations of the Majority and Minority 
                        leaders of the Senate, be appointed by the 
                        President pro tempore of the Senate from Members 
                        of the Senate (not less than 4 of whom, 
                        including the Vice Chairman of the United States 
                        Delegation, shall be from the Committee on 
                        Foreign Relations, unless the President pro 
                        tempore of the Senate, upon recommendations of 
                        the Majority and Minority leaders of the Senate, 
                        determines otherwise).
                            (2) In every odd-numbered year beginning in 
                        1993, 9 Members shall, upon recommendation of 
                        the Majority and Minority Leaders of the Senate, 
                        be appointed by the President pro tempore of the 
                        Senate from Members of the Senate (not less than 
                        4 of whom, including the Chairman of the United 
                        States Delegation, shall be from the Committee 
                        on Foreign Relations, unless the President pro 
                        tempore of the Senate, upon recommendations of 
                        the Majority and Minority leaders of the Senate, 
                        determines otherwise); and 8 Members shall be 
                        appointed by the Speaker of the House from 
                        Members of the House (not less than 4 of whom, 
                        including the Vice Chairman, shall be from the 
                        Committee on Foreign Affairs).
            (c) Administrative support
                For the purpose of providing general staff support and 
            continuity between successive delegations, each United 
            States Delegation shall have 2 secretaries (one of whom 
            shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Committee on 
            Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives and one of 
            whom shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Delegation of 
            the Senate).
            (d) Funding
                    (1) United States participation
                            There is authorized to be appropriated for 
                        each fiscal year $80,000 to assist in meeting 
                        the expenses of the United States delegation. 
                        For each fiscal year for which an appropriation 
                        is made under this subsection, half of such 
                        appropriation may be disbursed on voucher to be 
                        approved by the Chairman and half of such 
                        appropriation may be disbursed on voucher to be 
                        approved by the Vice Chairman.
                    (2) Availability of appropriations
                            Amounts appropriated pursuant to this 
                        subsection are authorized to be available until 
            (e) Annual report
                The United States Delegation shall, for each fiscal year 
            for which an appropriation is made, submit to the Congress a 
            report including its expenditures under such appropriation. 
            The certificate of the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the 
            United States Delegation shall be final and conclusive upon 
            the accounting officers in the auditing of the accounts of 
            the United States Delegation. (Pub. L. 102-138, Title I, 
            Sec. 169, Oct. 28, 1991, 105 Stat. 677.)
                There are authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal 
            year $50,000 for expenses of United States participation in 
            the United States-European Community Interparliamentary 
            Group. (November 22, 1983, Public Law 98-164, Sec. 109(c), 
            as amend

[[Page 812]]

            ed September 19, 1986, Public Law 99-415, Sec. 7(b), and 
            October 1, 1988, Public Law 100-459, Sec. 303(c)).

                        Chapter 24.--MUTUAL SECURITY PROGRAM

      1032  Sec. 1754. Foreign currencies.

                                    * * * * * * *

            (b) Availability to Members and employees of Congress; 
                authorization requirements; reports
                (1)(A) Notwithstanding section 1306 of title 31, or any 
            other provision of law--
                            (i) local currencies owned by the United 
                        States, which are in excess of the amounts 
                        reserved under section 2362(a) of this title, 
                        and of the requirements of the United States 
                        Government in payment of its obligations outside 
                        the United States, as such requirements may be 
                        determined from time to time by the President; 
                            (ii) any other local currencies owned by the 
                        United States in amounts not to exceed the 
                        equivalent of $75 per day per person or the 
                        maximum per diem allowance established under the 
                        authority of subchapter I of chapter 57 of Title 
                        5 for employees of the United States Government 
                        while traveling in a foreign country, whichever 
                        is greater, exclusive of the actual cost of 

            shall be made available to Members and employees of the 
            Congress for their local currency expenses when authorized 
            as provided in subparagraph (B).

                (B) The authorization required for purposes of 
            subparagraph (A) may be provided--
                            (i) by the Speaker of the House of 
                        Representatives in the case of a Member or 
                        employee of the House;
                            (ii) by the chairman of a standing or select 
                        committee of the House of Representatives in the 
                        case of a member or employee of that committee;
                            (iii) by the President of the Senate, the 
                        President pro tempore of the Senate, the 
                        Majority Leader of the Senate, or the Minority 
                        Leader of the Senate, in the case of a Member or 
                        employee of the Senate;
                            (iv) by the chairman of a standing, select, 
                        or special committee of the Senate in the case 
                        of a member or employee of that committee or of 
                        an employee of a member of that committee; and
                            (v) by the chairman of a joint committee of 
                        the Congress in the case of a member or employee 
                        of that committee.
                (C) Whenever local currencies owned by the United States 
            are not otherwise available for purposes of this subsection, 
            the Secretary of the Treasury shall purchase such local 
            currencies as may be necessary for such purposes, using any 
            funds in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.
                (2) On a quarterly basis, the chairman of each committee 
            of the House of Representatives or the Senate and of each 
            joint committee of the Congress (A) shall prepare a 
            consolidated report (i) which itemizes the amounts and 
            dollar equivalent values of each foreign currency expended 
            and the amounts of dollar expenditures from appropriated 
            funds in connection with travel outside the United States, 
            stating the purposes of the expenditures including per diem 
            (lodging and meals), transportation,

[[Page 813]]

            and other purposes, and (ii) which shows the total itemized 
            expenditures, by such committee and by each member or 
            employee of such committee (including in the case of a 
            committee of the Senate, each employee of a member of the 
            committee who received an authorization under paragraph (1) 
            from the chairman of the committee); and (B) shall forward 
            such consolidated report to the Clerk of the House of 
            Representatives (if the committee is a committee of the 
            House of Representatives or a joint committee whose funds 
            are disbursed by the Chief Administrative Officer of the 
            House) or to the Secretary of the Senate (if the committee 
            is a committee of the Senate or a joint committee whose 
            funds are disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate). Each 
            such consolidated report shall be open to public inspection 
            and shall be published in the Congressional Record within 
            ten legislative days after the report is forwarded pursuant 
            to this paragraph. In the case of the Select Committee on 
            Intelligence of the Senate and the Permanent Select 
            Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives, 
            such consolidated report may, in the discretion of the 
            chairman of the committee, omit such information as would 
            identify the foreign countries in which members and 
            employees of that committee traveled.
                (3)(A) Each Member or employee who receives an 
            authorization under paragraph (1) from the Speaker of the 
            House of Representatives, the President of the Senate, the 
            President pro tempore of the Senate, the Majority Leader of 
            the Senate, or the Minority Leader of the Senate, shall 
            within thirty days after the completion of the travel 
            involved, submit a report setting forth the information 
            specified in paragraph (2), to the extent applicable, to the 
            Clerk of the House of Representatives (in the case of a 
            Member of the House or an employee whose salary is disbursed 
            by the Chief Administrative Officer of the House) or the 
            Secretary of the Senate (in the case of a Member of the 
            Senate or an employee whose salary is disbursed by the 
            Secretary of the Senate). In the case of an authorization 
            for a group of Members or employees, such reports shall be 
            submitted for all Members of the group by its chairman, or 
            if there is no designated chairman, by the ranking Member or 
            if the group does not include a Member, by the senior 
            employee in the group. Each report submitted pursuant to 
            this subparagraph shall be open to public inspection.
                (B) On a quarterly basis, the Clerk of the House of 
            Representatives and the Secretary of the Senate shall each 
            prepare a consolidation of the reports received by them 
            under this paragraph with respect to expenditures during the 
            preceding quarter by each Member and employee or by each 
            group in the case of expenditures made on behalf of a group 
            which are not allocable to individual members of the group. 
            Each such consolidation shall be open to public inspection 
            and shall be published in the Congressional Record within 
            ten legislative days after its completion. (Aug. 26, 1954, 
            ch. 937, Title V, Sec. 502, 68 Stat. 849, amended Sept. 3, 
            1954, ch. 1262, Sec. 104, 68 Stat. 1223; July 8, 1955, ch. 
            301, Sec. 9(a), 69 Stat. 288; July 18, 1956, ch. 627, 
            Sec. 9(b), 70 Stat. 560; June 30, 1958, Sec. 401(a), 72 
            Stat. 268; August 27, 1958, Pub. L. 85-766, ch. X, 
            Sec. 1001, 72 Stat. 880; May 14, 1960, Pub. L. 86-472, 
            Sec. 401(a), 74 Stat. 138; July 12, 1960, Pub. L. 86-628, 
            Sec. 105(a), 74 Stat. 460; Sept. 4, 1961, Pub. L. 87-195, 
            Pt. III, Sec. 642(a)(2), 75 Stat. 460; Oct. 7, 1964, Pub. L. 
            88-633, 78 Stat. 1015; Oct. 18, 1973, Pub. L. 93-126, 
            Sec. 5, 87 Stat. 452; Aug. 13, 1974, Pub. L. 93-371, 
            Sec. 107, 88 Stat. 444; July

[[Page 814]]

            25, 1975, Pub. L. 94-59, Title XI, Sec. 1105, 89 Stat. 299; 
            Dec. 18, 1975, Pub. L. 94-157, Title I, ch. IV, 89 Stat. 
            837; July 12, 1976, Pub. L. 94-350, Title IV, Sec. 402, 90 
            Stat. 833; Oct. 1, 1976, Pub. L. 94-440, Title I, Sec. 109, 
            90 Stat. 1445; Sept. 26, 1978, Pub. L. 95-384, Sec. 22(a), 
            92 Stat. 742; Aug. 20, 1996, Pub. L. 104-186, Title II, 
            Sec. 218(2), 110 Stat. 1747.)
      1033  Sec. 1928a. North Atlantic Treaty Parliamentary Conference; 
                participation; appointment of United States Group.
                Not to exceed twenty-four Members of Congress shall be 
            appointed to meet jointly and annually with representative 
            parliamentary groups from other NATO (North Atlantic Treaty 
            Organization) members, for discussion of common problems in 
            the interests of the maintenance of peace and security in 
            the North Atlantic area. Of the Members of the Congress to 
            be appointed for the purposes of this resolution 
            (hereinafter designated as the ``United States Group''), 
            half shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House from 
            Members of the House (not less than four of whom shall be 
            from the Committee on Foreign Affairs), and half shall be 
            appointed by the President of the Senate upon 
            recommendations of the majority and minority leaders of the 
            Senate from Members of the Senate. Not more than seven of 
            the appointees from the Senate shall be of the same 
            political party. The Chairman or Vice Chairman of the House 
            delegation shall be a Member from the Foreign Affairs 
            Committee, and, unless the President of the Senate, upon the 
            recommendation of the Majority Leader, determines otherwise, 
            the Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Senate delegation shall 
            be a Member from the Foreign Relations Committee. Each 
            delegation shall have a secretary. The secretaries of the 
            Senate and House delegations shall be appointed, 
            respectively, by the chairman of the Committee on Foreign 
            Relations of the Senate and the chairman of the Committee on 
            Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives. (July 11, 
            1956, ch. 562, Sec. 1, 70 Stat. 523; Dec. 16, 1963, Pub. L. 
            88-205, Pt. IV, Sec. 406, 77 Stat. 392; Pub. L. 95-45 
            Sec. 4(c), June 15, 1977, 91 Stat. 222; H. Res. 89, February 
            5, 1979; December 22, 1987, Pub. L. 100-204, Title VII, 
            Sec. 744(a), 101 Stat. 1396; Pub. L. 103-437, Sec. 9(a)(5), 
            Nov. 2, 1994, 108 Stat. 4588.)
      1034  Sec. 1928b. Authorization of appropriations.
                There is authorized to be appropriated annually (1) for 
            the annual contribution of the United States toward the 
            maintenance of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, such sum as 
            may be agreed upon by the United States Group and approved 
            by such Assembly, but in no event to exceed for any year an 
            amount equal to 25 per centum of the total annual 
            contributions made for that year by all members of the North 
            Atlantic Treaty Organization toward the maintenance of such 
            Assembly, and (2) $200,000, $100,000 for the House 
            delegation and $100,000 for the Senate delegation, or so 
            much thereof as may be necessary, to assist in meeting the 
            expenses of the United States Group of the NATO 
            Parliamentary Assembly for each fiscal year for which an 
            appropriation is made, such appropriation to be dispersed on 
            voucher to be approved by the Chairman of the House 
            delegation and the Chairman of the Senate delegation. (July 
            11, 1956, ch. 562, Sec. 2, 70 Stat. 523; June 30, 1958, Pub. 
            L. 85-477, ch. V, Sec. 502(d), 72 Stat. 273; Nov. 14, 1967, 
            Pub. L. 90-137, Pt. IV, Sec. 401(a), 81 Stat. 463; Feb. 7, 
            1972, Pub. L.

[[Page 815]]

            92-226, Pt. IV, Sec. 405, 86 Stat. 34; Dec. 22, 1987, Pub. 
            L. 100-202, Sec. 101(a) [Title III, Sec. 303], 101 Stat. 
            1329, 1329-23; Dec. 22, 1987, Pub. L. 100-204, Title VII, 
            Sec. 744(b), 101 Stat. 1396; Nov. 29, 1999, Pub. L. 106-113, 
            Sec. 1000(a)(7), 113 Stat. 1501A-459; Nov. 28, 2001, Pub. L. 
            107-77, Title IV, Sec. 408(b)(1), 115 Stat. 790).
                          26 u.s.c.--internal revenue code

                  general and permanent laws relating to the senate