[United States Senate Manual, 107th Congress]
[S. Doc. 107-1]
[Non-statutory Standing Orders and Regulations Affecting the Business of the Senate]
[Pages 144-147]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]

                                  FOREIGN OFFICIALS

                Resolved, That the Committee on Foreign Relations is 
            authorized from March 1, 1981, until otherwise provided by 
            law, to expend not to exceed $25,000 each fiscal year to 
            assist the Senate properly to discharge and coordinate its 
            activities and responsibilities in connection with partici

[[Page 145]]

            pation in various interparliamentary institutions and to 
            facilitate the interchange and reception in the United 
            States of members of foreign legislative bodies and 
            prominent officials of foreign governments and 
            intergovernmental organizations.
                Sec. 2. The Secretary of the Senate is authorized and 
            directed to pay from the contingent fund of the Senate the 
            actual and necessary expenses incurred in connection with 
            activities authorized by this resolution and approved in 
            advance by the chairman of the Committee on Foreign 
            Relations upon vouchers certified by the Senator incurring 
            such expenses and approved by the chairman.

            [S. Res. 247, 87-2, Feb. 7, 1962; S. Res. 91, 94-1, Mar. 18, 
            1975; S. Res. 281, 96-2, Mar. 11, 1980.]

            relative to contributions for costs of civil, criminal, or 
                other legal investigations of members, officers, or 
                employees of the senate

                Resolved, That nothing in the provisions of the Standing 
            Rules of the Senate shall be construed to limit 
            contributions to defray investigative, civil, criminal, or 
            other legal expenses of Members, officers, or employees of 
            the Senate relating to their service in the United States 
            Senate, subject to limitations, regulations, procedures, and 
            reporting requirements which shall be promulgated by the 
            Select Committee on Ethics. Nothing in the provisions of the 
            Standing Rules of the Senate shall be construed to limit 
            contributions to defray the legal expenses of the spouses or 
            dependents of Members, officers, or employees of the Senate.

            [S. Res. 508, 96-2, Sept. 4, 1980.]

            restrictions on certain expenses payable or reimbursable 
                from a senator's official office expense account

                Resolved, That except for section 3, this resolution 
            applies only to payments and reimbursements from the 
            contingent fund of the Senate under paragraphs (5) and (9) 
            of section 506(a) of the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 
            1973 (2 U.S.C. 58(a)). For purposes of such paragraphs, the 
            terms ``official office expenses'' and ``other official 
            expenses'' mean ordinary and necessary business expenses 
            incurred by a Senator and his staff in the discharge of 
            their official duties.
                Sec. 2. Reimbursements and payments from the contingent 
            fund of the Senate under paragraphs (5) and (9) of

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            section 506(a) of the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 1973 
            (2 U.S.C. 58(a)) shall not be made for:
                        (1) commuting expenses, including parking fees 
                    incurred in commuting;
                        (2) expenses incurred for the purchase of 
                    holiday greeting cards, flowers, trophies, awards, 
                    and certificates;
                        (3) donations or gifts of any type, except gifts 
                    of flags which have been flown over the United 
                    States Capitol, copies of the book ``We, the 
                    People'', and copies of the calendar ``We The 
                    People'' published by the United States Capitol 
                    Historical Society.
                        (4) dues or assessments;
                        (5) expenses incurred for the purchases of radio 
                    or television time, or for space in newspaper or 
                    other print media (except classified advertising for 
                    personnel to be employed in a Senator's office);
                        (6) expenses incurred by an individual who is 
                    not an employee (except as specifically authorized 
                    by subsections (e) and (h) of such section 506);
                        (7) travel expenses incurred by an employee 
                    which are not reimbursable under subsection (e) of 
                    such section 506;
                        (8) relocation expenses incurred by an employee 
                    in connection with the commencement or termination 
                    of employment or a change of duty station; and
                        (9) compensation paid to an individual for 
                    personal services performed in a normal employer-
                    employee relationship.
                Sec. 3. Payment of or reimbursement for the following 
            expenses is specifically prohibited by law and 
            reimbursements and payments from the contingent fund of the 
            Senate shall not be made therefor:
                        (1) expenses incurred for entertainment or meals 
                    (2 U.S.C. 58(a));
                        (2) payment of additional salary or compensation 
                    to an employee (2 U.S.C. 68); and
                        (3) expenses incurred for maintenance or care of 
                    private vehicles (Legislative Branch Appropriation 
                Sec. 4. This resolution shall apply with respect to 
            expenses incurred on or after the date on which this 
            resolution is agreed to.

            [S. Res. 294, 96-2, Apr. 29, 1980; S. Res. 176, 104-1, Sept. 
                                                              28, 1995.]

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