[United States Senate Manual, 107th Congress]
[S. Doc. 107-1]
[Standing Rules of the Senate]
[Pages 11-13]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]

        14                            RULE XIV


      14.1      1. Whenever a bill or joint resolution shall be offered, 
            its introduction shall, if objected to, be postponed for one 
      14.2      2. Every bill and joint resolution shall receive three 
            readings previous to its passage which readings on demand of 
            any Senator shall be on three different legislative days, 
            and the Presiding Officer shall give notice at each reading 
            whether it be the first, second, or third: Provided, That 
            each reading may be by title only, unless the Senate in any 
            case shall otherwise order.
      14.3      3. No bill or joint resolution shall be committed or 
            amended until it shall have been twice read, after which it 
            may be referred to a committee; bills and joint resolutions 
            introduced on leave, and bills and joint resolutions from 
            the House of Representatives, shall be read once, and

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            may be read twice, if not objected to, on the same day for 
            reference, but shall not be considered on that day nor 
            debated, except for reference, unless by unanimous consent.
      14.4      4. Every bill and joint resolution reported from a 
            committee, not having previously been read, shall be read 
            once, and twice, if not objected to, on the same day, and 
            placed on the Calendar in the order in which the same may be 
            reported; and every bill and joint resolution introduced on 
            leave, and every bill and joint resolution of the House of 
            Representatives which shall have received a first and second 
            reading without being referred to a committee, shall, if 
            objection be made to further proceeding thereon, be placed 
            on the Calendar.
      14.5      5. All bills, amendments, and joint resolutions shall be 
            examined under the supervision of the Secretary of the 
            Senate before they go out of the possession of the Senate, 
            and all bills and joint resolutions which shall have passed 
            both Houses shall be examined under the supervision of the 
            Secretary of the Senate, to see that the same are correctly 
            enrolled, and, when signed by the Speaker of the House and 
            the President of the Senate, the Secretary of the Senate 
            shall forthwith present the same, when they shall have 
            originated in the Senate, to the President of the United 
            States and report the fact and date of such presentation to 
            the Senate.
      14.6      6. All other resolutions shall lie over one day for 
            consideration, if not referred, unless by unanimous consent 
            the Senate shall otherwise direct. When objection is heard 
            to the immediate consideration of a resolution or motion 
            when it is submitted, it shall be placed on the Calendar 
            under the heading of ``Resolutions and Motions over, under 
            the Rule,'' to be laid before the Senate on the next 
            legislative day when there is no further morning business 
            but before the close of morning business and before the 
            termination of the morning hour.
      14.7      7. When a bill or joint resolution shall have been 
            ordered to be read a third time, it shall not be in order to 
            propose amendments, unless by unanimous consent, but it 
            shall be in order at any time before the passage of any bill 
            or resolution to move its commitment; and when the bill or 
            resolution shall again be reported from the committee it 
            shall be placed on the Calendar.
      14.8      8. When a bill or resolution is accompanied by a 
            preamble, the question shall first be put on the bill or 

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            tion and then on the preamble, which may be withdrawn by a 
            mover before an amendment of the same, or ordering of the 
            yeas and nays; or it may be laid on the table without 
            prejudice to the bill or resolution, and shall be a final 
            disposition of such preamble.
      14.9      9. Whenever a private bill, except a bill for a pension, 
            is under consideration, it shall be in order to move the 
            adoption of a resolution to refer the bill to the Chief 
            Commissioner of the Court of Claims for a report in 
            conformity with section 2509 of Title 28, United States 
     14.10      10. No private bill or resolution (including so-called 
            omnibus claims or pension bills), and no amendment to any 
            bill or resolution, authorizing or directing (1) the payment 
            of money for property damages, personal injuries, or death, 
            for which a claim may be filed under chapter 171 of Title 
            28, United States Code, or for a pension (other than to 
            carry out a provision of law or treaty stipulation); (2) the 
            construction of a bridge across a navigable stream; or (3) 
            the correction of a military or naval record, shall be 
            received or considered.