Buerkle Honored for Agriculture Work

Oct 25, 2012 Issues: Agriculture

Syracuse, NY - Representative Ann Marie Buerkle (NY-25) has been awarded the Friend of the Farm Bureau Congressional Award at the Onondaga County Farm Bureau’s annual meeting last night.

“I am honored to receive this award from the American Farm Bureau Federation. Agriculture is essential to the economic viability of my district and New York State overall. Throughout my tenure in Congress I have had the opportunity to tour numerous farms and meet with various individuals from the agricultural community. I understand the needs they have and the issues they face and I am proud to work on their behalf in Congress,” said Rep. Buerkle.

Buerkle was presented the award by New York State Farm Bureau President Dean Norton. The Friend of the Farm Bureau award is given to individuals who have supported Farm Bureau issues, as indicated by their voting records, and who were nominated by their respective state Farm Bureau and approved by the Board of Directors of the American Farm Bureau Federation.