9/22/12 - Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) Delivers Weekly GOP Address On The Economy, Jobs, And The Budget

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Published on Sep 22, 2012 by

In the Weekly Republican Address, U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) says that the Senate Democrat majority has decided to adjourn through November having failed to meet one of its most basic obligations -- passing a federal budget. "For the last three years, in a time of national crisis, Senate Democrats have deliberately violated the legal requirement to produce a budget plan," Sessions says. But Sessions, the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee, says that won't happen if Republicans gain control of the Senate next year. "If given the chance, Republicans will get this government under control. A Republican Senate will pass a budget."


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  • How? Just how? How on earth does people like this deserve $200,000 dollars a year?

  • Obama talks a lot about give me 4 more years. He says he sees a light at the end of this dark tunnel we are currently in. Yea we see the bright light at the end of the tunnel it is the train comming at us!!!!

  • You peake the truth wake up America before it is to late!!!!!!

  • Blahblahblahblah Democrats doing this, Democrats doing that... meanwhile, we want to pass a budget that turns medicare into a voucher prog...*cough cough* into a premium support plan, doesn't help veterans find jobs, fires cops and firemen, and wrecks our education system. BUT DON'T TOUCH OUR MILITARY SPENDING GOD DAMMIT!! And don't you dare tax our hardworking top 1% who --with their blood, sweat, and tears-- labored and toiled to pay us off, and to keep their taxes low, so they can make jobs!!

  • Everyone in America should watch this - particularly from 2:00 on

  • Spend, spend, spend, Debt, debt, debt, The Democrat way. Republicans ship jobs overseas to compete in a global market which create more jobs in the USA than job losses. Then you invest in these companies so your 401k is worth something. If companies do not male a profit then your 401 is worthless! The banks where forced to give loans to those who could not afford them by the democrats, hence bank bailouts.

  • Mr. Senator - I have no confidence in the facts as presented by a lawyer. To win a case, an attorney presents - or omits - the facts that support his/her theory or working premise of the case. In government, there is a need to compromise and negotiate. I am saddened that your Republican statement does not acknowledge how much of the policital stalement facing this government is due to the intransigence of the GOP party.

  • Mr. Senator, how do you explain the trillions in big bank bailouts, the trillions in oil wars, and a 14.1% tax rate for Mitt Romney.

    Americans know full well you and your cohorts are liars and thieves. GOP policies have proven to be deeply flawed.

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