Right to vote

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Published on Jun 12, 2012 by

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  • Voting rights are good and all, but lets not forget the atrocities Senator Nelson has committed. I took some time to go to the website "billnelsonrecord" and was shocked with how many times Bill voted for big spending. No wonder our nation is in a debt crisis! America needs to send a message to Washington that we have had enough of these big spenders!

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  • Keep up the good work Senator!

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  • A representative can do things you may disagree with, that is how a democracy works. I disagree with Rick Scott, but he still represents me as a constituent. A constituency represents even non-voters. How do you feel you have been misrepresented?

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  • Voting is really just a fight over the right to have the 'legal gun' back your opinions. Senator Nelson is another big government pawn that intensifies these 'class struggles' that would be non-existent if government didn't pick winners and losers

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  • Based on your other comments, you don't sound like an 'Englishman'. What you sound like is someone fed talking points to make people look bad. Who do you work for?

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  • I agree with your comments luvindixie .As a englishman politics is a little different here but basically we have the same problems as there in the states.We also have the problem of socialists trying to buy votes by giving immigrants who have not yet qualified for legal status all sorts of goodies.I am all in favour of immigrants coming here as we need them.But right now we have far too many coming here and far too many illegally coming here..

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  • I fully support Gov Scott ensuring only LEGAL citizens can vote. Yes, it is a right, a right that's earned. If you're not a legal citizen, you've not earned that right. He is doing NOTHING to make it harder for us legal, registered, United States ID in hand, citizens to vote. They also have not earned food stamps, medical care, public education, Social Security, AMNESTY, or any other hand-out the democrats want to give them to ensure they vote Democrat. I am FED UP with democratic socialists.

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  • Scott should have done this long before this election cycle got underway. I agree with the idea, but doing it this close to an election cycle is sketch.

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  • What Gov. Scott is doing does NOT make it more difficult for legitimate voters (lawful citizens) to VOTE! Why do you have such a problem with checking the voter rolls and getting rid of ILLEGAL voters and DEAD people who often end up voting? Why do you want opportunities for voter FRAUD to continue to exist, Senator? I wholeheartedly SUPPORT what Gov. Scott is doing in standing up to the corrupt Dept. of Justice.

    Senator Nelson, you are an embarrassment to the Great State of Florida.

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  • I believe very few Politicians are honest or concerned with doing what's best for the American People. We're on a downward slide. End of Rome.

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