Nov 15, 2012


(Hinojosa named as one of Hispanic Business Magazine Influentials of 2012)

Washington D.C.-Today-Congressman Rubén Hinojosa (D-TX-15) was elected as the new Chairman of the U.S. Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) by acclamation. Congressman Hinojosa will serve the next two years as the Chairman. He was previously the 1st Vice Chairman of the CHC.

"I want to thank my colleagues for showing their support as I proudly take on the role of the Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. For 35 years the CHC has focused on legislative priorities covering all areas that have a direct impact on the Hispanic or Latino community. We will continue to bring new ideas and new vigor to pave our way towards our great future in this country.

In the 113th Congress we will have 30 Latinos in Congress. This is the largest Hispanic group in our nation's history to serve in Congress. The recent Presidential election proves that the Latino vote is a crucial voting bloc. No longer will our voices be silenced. No longer will we be placed in the back of the line.

The challenges we face are arduous and no doubt we will suffer some set-backs during our climb, but we will not turn back. I, along with my fellow CHC colleagues, will join with President Obama as we work to pass comprehensive immigration reform. We will work together to not only allow DREAM Act students to earn a college degree, but to grant them a path to citizenship in the U.S.A., the country they already call home.

As the new Chairman of the CHC, I will work to reorganize task forces to address high priority issues such as: our economy and creating jobs, addressing and improving the way home mortgages and micro loans are handled for our women and minorities and small businesses. On health care, we will address particular areas of the Affordable Care Act and make certain that our doctors and hospitals are properly reimbursed. In education we must protect the Pell Grant so that it does not drop below the current $5,550. We will also see that the Direct Federal College Loan Program continues to offer all students an opportunity to register and attend college.

Again, I thank my colleagues for their faith in me and together we will continue to improve the quality of life for not only the Latino community but for all Americans."  U.S. Rep. Rubén Hinojosa.

Congressman Hinojosa was named as one of the most influential Hispanics in Hispanic Business Magazine for his work in changing legislation in Higher Education. Hispanic Business noted some of Congressman Hinojosa's accomplishments in their magazine.

He serves on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce and the House Committee on Financial Services, and advocates for education, housing and economic development.

Recognized as a champion for investing in human capital through education, he joined President Obama for the signing of the Health Care and Education Reform Act, which invests $2.55 billion in historically black colleges and universities and in Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs) and other minority serving institutions.

His successful initiatives include a landmark $510 million investment in minority institutions and a program to support graduate degree attainment at (HSIs). He also co-founded the House Financial Literacy and Economic Education Caucus in 2004, which currently numbers 87 members from both sides of the aisle.
