Congressman Al Green

Congressman Al Green


Proud to represent the Ninth Congressional District of Texas in the United States House of Representatives.

Houston, TX ·

To all my Jewish friends on Yom Kippur: g'mar hatimah tova-- may you be sealed in the book of life.

Join me today at the "Hip-Hop the Vote" Voter Registration & Get Out the Vote Rally at 4814 Almeda Rd, Houston, TX, from 4-8pm.

Read my statement on the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya and the turmoil around the U.S. Embassy...

I am eagerly anticipating Mayor Julian Castro's historic keynote address to the Democratic National Convention tonight.

The Gold Rush is on! Congrats to the Golden “Fierce 5” U.S. Women’s Gymnastics Team! We are all proud of your achievement.

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