Rep. Al Green criticizes Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act

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Published on Jul 11, 2012 by

In remarks delivered on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives on July 11, 2012, Rep. Al Green criticized Republican efforts to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act without offering an alternative.


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  • This guy should run for president

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  • This would be funny if it wasn't so sad.

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  • I can tell you one thing, if my employer drops my health plan and I get forced into the state/federal exchange then I expect my coverage will lapse. There is no way in hell I can pay rates of close to $800 a month for insurance. At that rate all I will do is work and pay taxes and insurance. If that is all that is left I will opt out of insurance.

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  • I find it funny that you say the Affordable Care Act is going to run our country into the ground whenever Mitt Romney has almost an identical act governing his state at the moment. Why exactly do you believe Obama is running our country into the ground? The current debt we are in is 80% from the Bush/Reagan era tax-cuts, and the other 20% is actually from Obama. So please inform me.

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  • Why don't you build some substance as to why this bill is a "piece of shit"?

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  • Repubs don't need to come up with something better. All they know is that Obamacare is the road to socialism. It seems as if conservatives want to take Darwin out of biology and place him into economics, international relations and social policy.

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  • Totally true.

    The reason Republicans aren't putting forward any replacement is because they don't want to replace Obamacare. They just want to repeal it. They were basically fine with the way it was before Obamacare.

    People who are against Obamacare generally don't understand what it is, and what it does. I laugh when people say the insurance companies are laughing at us. It shows a clear misunderstanding of how Obamacare works.

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  • Nothing but theatrics, no substance, yawn. The bill is a piece of shit, period. The insurance companies are laughing at you suckers.

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  • Wow! Excellent speech. The emperor (in this case, the Three Stooges) absolutely is nude and it is high time someone should be pointing this out.

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  • Doing nothing is better than running the country into the ground and that is what the Affordable Care Act (LOL - Affordable my ass) does. If you are sitting in first class on the airplane when it crashes are you better off than the person in the last row? President Obama is flying the plane (Country) into the side of a mountain and we are going to crash.

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  • how have i never heard of this guy? best sense of humor i have seen on a congressman in a long time. with all the maddening infighting in congress its moments like this that makes it all stomachable. instead of my stomach hurting from disgust, it hurts from laughter. thank you al green and congressional repubs for allowing for such a magical moment.

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  • i love this guy lmao

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