


I'm proud to have grown up in SW WA, and honored to represent this wonderful region in the US Congress. Want regular email updates? http://bit.ly/gcCz7h


I will be hosting a community coffee tomorrow, August 18, at Battle Ground City Hall from 10-11am. I hope you can join me!

SW WA small biz’s just want reasonable regulations that consider econ. impact. I commit to clearing unnecessary red tape

Today’s PTSD Awareness Day. Serious issue that deserves our attention. Resources available, including:

Plz let job-seekers know: my jobs fair is TODAY in Vancouver. 1-6pm at Red Lion hotel. More info:

Thx to Chairman Sam Graves for coming all the way to SW WA to listen to our local ideas, challenges

Today the U.S. House passed to help small bizes access capital. Jumpstarting our economy remains my focus

My statement Cong. Norm Dicks’ retirement, a good colleague and hard-working servant for WA state

Pemuatan tampaknya berlangsung agak lama.

Twitter sedang kelebihan beban atau mengalami sedikit masalah. Coba lagi atau kunjungi Status Twitter untuk informasi selengkapnya.