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15th Sustainment Brigade Unfurls its colors at Fort Bliss


15th Sustainment Brigade Unfurls its colors at Fort Bliss

Video by Jade Fulce | Fort Bliss Public Affairs Office | Date: 12.08.2010

B-roll of the 15th Sustainment Brigade uncasing its colors at Fort Bliss. Produced by Jade Fulce. Soundbite from Col. James Ryan View Video

The Joint Network Node


The Joint Network Node

Video by Pfc. Daniel Lograsso | 139th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 03.17.2010

Package about how A Company, 15th Sustainment Brigade keeps communications operational at Contingency Operating Location Q West. Produced by Pfc. Dan LoGrasso. View Video

Palletized Loading System


Palletized Loading System

Video by Pfc. Daniel Lograsso | 139th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 03.17.2010

Package about the Palletized Loading System providing transportation companies with a rugged and flexible option for moving supplies. Produced by Pfc. Daniel LoGrasso. View Video

Kuwait Training


Kuwait Training

Video by Pfc. Zachary Zimerman | 139th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 02.16.2010

Package about Soldiers receiving pre-deployment training in Kuwait before going into Iraq. Produced by Pfc. Zack Zimerman. View Video

Pfc. Gbadamosi


Pfc. Gbadamosi

Video by Spc. Jeffrey Granda | 139th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | Date: 02.15.2010

Talks to a military reporter about the process involved in becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen. Also see “Sgt. Anzelm-Cole,” “Spc. Li,” “Spc. Downs,” “Spc. Robles,” “Staff Sgt. Thomas,”... View Video